
第7章 城市导航City Guide(5)

The Otago coast stretchesstretch v.伸展, 伸长 n.一段时间, 一段路程, 伸展 from the Waitaki River to the mighty Clutha River, on the South Island,s eastern coast. About halfway between is the city of Dunedin, the South Island,s second largest city.

Dunedin was founded on the picks, harpoons and hard toil of goldminersgoldminer n.采金者,金矿工人, whalers and early Scottish settlers over 150 years ago. Much of Dunedin,s early wealth and enterprise has left a tangible mark on the city today. Its name is the old Gaelic one for Edinburgh - appropriate since the city was established by Scottish Presbyterians.

The city is renowned for its proximity to incredible wildlife. Visits to see the world,s rarest penguins, the world,s only mainland breeding colony of the Royal albatross and rare New Zealand sealions are all possible within a short drive of the city centre.

Dunedin is also memorable for its historical architecturearchitecture n.建筑, 建筑学 体系机构. It is regarded to be one of the best preserved Victorian and Edwardian cities in the Southern Hemisphere. Look for the massive stone Flemish Renaissancestyle Dunedin Railway Station, the University clocktower building and the Gothic Revival Dominican Priory. Dunedin even has an authentic castle - Larnach Castle was the grand home of an early politician. You might also want to visit Baldwin Street, the world,s steepest residential address.

It,s easy to learn about things in Dunedin. Apart from being New Zealand,s first university city,it has an

abundanceabundance n.丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕 of museums, galleries and heritage homes with amazing stories to tell. You can even discover the history of beer brewing at the Speights Brewery.

Dunedin offers all the facilities you would expect within a modern, thriving city, without the traffic jams and parking problems! Daily life is vibrant, positive and upbeat. Cafes, restaurants and bars compete for space with a fabulousfabulous adj.寓言中的, 寓言般的, 神话般的, 传统上的, 惊人的, 难以置信的 mix of shops and entertainment venues.



罗托鲁阿市位于北岛东北部,罗托鲁阿湖南畔,距奥克兰市221公里,多天然温泉,是毛利人聚居区和着名的旅游胜地,人口54 700人。“罗托鲁阿”是毛利语,意为“双湖”。罗托鲁阿湖面积为23平方公里。全市遍布热泉,市郊森林密布。湖光潋滟,山色迷离,游禽戏水,海鸥翔空,空气中硫磺弥漫,热泉灰黄泥浆沸腾,加之毛利文化多姿多彩,前来观光的游客终年络绎不绝。

罗托鲁阿市坐落在火山多发区。1886年6月10日火山爆发导致三个毛利村落化为废墟,1917年火山再次爆发,摧毁了坚固的旅游设施。法卡雷瓦雷瓦地热保护区(Whakarewarewa Thermal Area)是离市中心最近的地热区,也是最主要的地热名胜。旅客在此可目睹间歇喷泉、沸腾的潭水和硅石阶地。其中,“浦湖渡”间歇喷泉是几处喷泉中最大的一处,每天约喷发10~25次,喷发高度通常主16~20米,有时可高达30米。保护区还建有基维鸟室,游客可以目睹这种濒于灭绝的新西兰国鸟。


罗托鲁阿市是新西兰毛利族特拉瓦(Te Arawa)部落中心。市内建有毛利博物馆、毛利工艺研究所雕刻中心、雕琢华丽的毛利会堂和颇具民族特色的毛利村寨。罗托鲁阿市还建有彩虹泉农场,种植100种蕨树,包括新西兰国树——银蕨;五个鳟鱼泉,养殖彩虹鳟鱼和蝎鳟。


Rotorua is one of the originaloriginal adj.最初的, 原始的, 独创的, 新颖的 n.原物, 原作 tourist destinations in New Zealand - it has been welcoming visitors for more than 200 years. From the moment people arrive in Rotorua they know they,re somewhere quite different. There is a scent of sulphur in the air. At nearby geothermal hotspots, there are spouting geysersgeyser n.间歇泉, 烧水锅炉, boiling mud pools and warm geothermalgeothermal adj.地热的, 地温的, 地热(或地温)产生的 springs. Silica terraces are naturally decorated with a kaleidoscopekaleidoscope n.万花筒, 时时变化的鲜明景色 of colours.