
第16章 人文景观Human Landscapes(1)

Saint Mark,s Basilica






右边洗礼堂的镶嵌画也很美丽。位于中央祭坛的后面的Pala d,oro是代表这座寺院的珍宝。制作于976年,其后经过修补,镶有宝石等,非常漂亮。寺院右端有珍宝馆(Tesoro),陈列在1204年十字军从君士坦丁堡带回来的战利品。


教堂内殿中间最后方的黄金祭坛,祭坛之下是圣徒马可的坟墓。祭坛后方置有高1.4米、宽3.48米的金色围屏(Pala d,Oro),屏面上有80多幅描绘耶稣、圣母、门徒马可行事的瓷片,在这个画面上共有2500多颗钻石、红绿宝石、珍珠、黄玉、祖母绿和紫水晶等珠宝来装饰;中央的圆顶是一幅耶稣升天的庞大镶嵌画,是由一群威尼斯非常优秀的工匠在13世纪所完成的。这座伟大的教堂在1807年之前一直是威尼斯总督的私人礼拜堂。

Basilica di San Marco (Saint Mark,s Basilica), church in Venice that was begun in its original formoriginal form    原来形状 in 829 (consecrated in 832) as an ecclesiastical structure to house and honour the remains of St. Mark that had been brought from Alexandria. St. Mark thereupon replaced St.Theodore as the patron saintsaint n.圣人,道德崇高的人,圣徒 of Venice, and his attribute of a winged lion in time became the official symbol of the Venetian Republic. San Marco Basilica, built beside the Palazzo Ducale, or Doges, Palace, also served as the doge,s chapel. It did not become the cathedral church of Venice until 1807.

The church is based on a Greek cross floorplanfloorplan   平[楼]面布置图, based on part on the Hagia Sophia and the Basilica of the Apostles, both in Constantinople. It has a raised choir with a crypt beneath. The plan of the interior consists of three longitudinallongitudinal   adj.经度的, 纵向的 and three transverse naves. Over the high altar is a baldacchino on columns decorated with eleventhcentury reliefs; the altarpiece is the famous Pala d,Oro (Golden Pall), Byzantine metalwork of the year 1105, originally designed for an antependiumantependium   n.(基督教教堂圣坛等前的)装饰, 帷幔, 桌布. Behind the high altar is another altar with alabaster columns. The choir stalls are embellishedembellish   v.修饰 with inlaying by Fra Sebastiano Schiavone, and above them on both sides are three reliefs by Sansovino. On the two marble pulpitspulpit  n.(教堂的)讲道坛 of the ambo are statuettes by the Massegne brothers (1394). Also in the choir are Sansovino,s bronze statues of the Evangelists and Caliari,s of the Four Doctors.

The first basilica was burned in 976 during a popular revolt againstrevolt against v.厌恶, 反感 the doge Pietro Candiano IV but was restored under his successor, Doge Domenico Contarini (d.c. 1070); the present basilica was completed in 1071. The plan is a Greek cross, and the building is surmounted by five domes. The design is distinctly Byzantine, and it is likely that both Byzantine and Italian architectsarchitect  n.建筑师 and craftsmen were employed in the construction and decoration. Over the centuries, additions of sculpture, mosaics, and ceremonial objects have increased the church,s richness. The famed four bronzebronze  n.青铜(铜与锡合金), 铜像  adj.青铜色的 horses on the west facade gallery, for example, were brought to Venice at the time of the Fourth Crusade (1204) from Constantinople, where they had been part of a GrecoRoman triumphaltriumphal  adj.胜利的, 凯旋的 quadriga (a sculpture of a car or chariot drawn by four horses abreast). Though originally placed in the Arsenal, they were set up in the mid13th century on the exterior of San Marco. They were removed to Paris by Napoleon but were returned in 1815.

The basilica was consecrated in 1094, the same year as in which the body of Saint Mark was supposedly rediscovered in a pillar by Vitale Falier, doge at the time. The crypt then housed the relics until 1811. The building also incorporates a low tower, believed by some to have been part of the original Doge,s Palace.

The interior is decorated throughout with mosaicsmosaic  n.镶嵌, 镶嵌图案, 镶嵌工艺  adj.嵌花式的, 拼成的  最早出现的Internet上的WEB浏览器 on gold ground and with many varieties of marble; the floor is of inlaid marble and glass. In the restricted light their colours glow. The screen separating the choir from the nave has marble statues,masterpieces of Venetian Gothic sculpturesculpture n.雕刻, 雕刻品, 雕塑, 雕塑品, [地理] 刻蚀 v.雕刻, 雕塑, 刻蚀 by Jacobello and Pier Paolo dalle Masegne.

Inside, the walls were covered with mosaics, in a mixture of Byzantine and Gothic styles, while the floor is a twelfth century mixture of mosaic and marble in geometric patterns and animal designs. The mosaic contains gold, bronze, and the greatest variety of stones.

The Horses of Saint Mark were installed on the basilicabasilica  n.(古罗马)长方形会堂, 长方形基督教堂 in about 1254. They date to Classical Antiquity; by some accounts they once adorned the Arch of Trajan. The horses were long displayed at the Hippodrome of Constantinople, and in 1204 Doge Enrico Dandolo sent them back to Venice as part of the loot sacked from Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade. They were taken by Napoleon in 1797 but restored in 1815 and remained in place until the 1990s and now sit in an exhibition room, the horses now on the facadefacade  n.正面 of the cathedral being no more than fibreglassfibreglass n.玻璃纤维,玻璃丝 replicas.

The Campanile, separated from the church, was originally begun under the doge Pietro Tribuno (d. 912). It was adapted into its present familiar form early in the 16th century. In 1902 it collapsed but by 1912 had been rebuilt on its original site.

Ca, d,Oro


卡多洛金屋(Galleria G. Franchetti alla Ca, d,Oro) 建于1400年左右,位于距里亚托桥不远的浮动码头右边宫殿,是威尼斯哥特式最杰出的富丽堂皇的建筑。具有漂亮造型的阳台非常引人注目。建筑外表华丽,以朱红和佛青涂色,并曾用大量的金叶作装饰,因此被命名为“金屋”。