
第24章 名校风采Famous Universities(3)

In the academic year 1982~1983 the Faculties of Education, Medicine, Engineering and Sciences, which had until that time constituted the free university of L,Aquila (established by a decree of the President of the Republic of 18 August 1964), became state institutions. In 1991 the Faculty of Economics was added and in 1993 the Faculty of Education became the Faculty of Arts. The late 1990s saw the addition of two new faculties: Educational Science in 1996 and Sport Sciences in 1999.

The University of L,Aquila is responsible for running: 1. the Alpine Botanical Garden situated near the cablewaycableway: n.空中索道 on the Gran Sasso, which extends for 3000 sq metres and conservesconserve: vt.保存, 保藏 plant life from the Gran Sasso, endemicendemic: n.地方病 adj.风土的, 地方的 central Apennine plant life, primitive alpinealpine: adj.高山的, 阿尔卑斯山的 plants, plants originating from the Eastern BalkansBalkan: adj.巴尔干半岛的 and medicinal plants; 2. the Botanical garden of the Basilicabasilica: n.(古罗马)长方形会堂, 长方形基督教堂 of Collemaggio, which extends for 5.5 hectares and contains grain, leguminousleguminous: adj.豆科的, aquaticaquatic: adj.水的, 水上的, 水生的, 水栖的 and medicinal plants.

Research and teaching in the University Physics Department benefit from its associations with the underground nuclear physics laboratory in the Gran Sasso. There in the 1980s the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare built beside the motorwaymotorway: n.汽车高速公路 tunnel through the Gran Sasso laboratories, where, protected by 1400 metres of rock, research in astrophysicsastrophysics: n.天体物理学, cosmologycosmology: n.宇宙哲学, 宇宙论, nuclear physics and geophysics is carried out.

The departments of the University of L,Aquila have also established links with research centres all over the world. Many are the research projects involving collaboration with high technology industries, such as for the world market; Dompé Farmeceutici, a prominent company which has recently set up in L,Aquila a factory and research centre; and the Scuola Superiore Reiss Romoli, one of the most advanced teaching and research centres for telecommunicationstelecommunication: n.电讯, 长途通讯, 无线电通讯, 电信学 in Europe today.

The University of Perugia


佩鲁贾大学建立于1200年。佩鲁贾是意大利中部的一座中型城市。从艺术、文化和历史的角度而言,佩鲁贾称得上是意大利最着名的重要城市之一。整个佩鲁贾市依山而建,市中心位于山顶,逐渐延伸向下。佩鲁贾大学有教授250人,学生20 000人。


In the Middle Ages, a city,s importance derived not only from the prestige of its political institutions or the strength of its commercial network, which was closely related to its military power, but also from its capacity to develop and spread an advanced Weltanschaung that could be translated into a productive and industrious mentalitymentality: n.智力, 精神, 心理, 思想情况, from which the whole community could benefit. The political eliteelite: n.(法)[集合名词]精华, 精锐, 中坚分子 then leading the City Council of Perugia was no doubt well aware of the crucial importance of having the right mentality. As a matter of fact, a clause in a 1285 Communal statutestatute: n.法令, 条例 provided that the Council should promote the establishment of a “Studium” ut civitas Perusii sapientia valeat elucere et in ea Studium habeatur (so that the City of Perugia may shine with learning and that there may be a Studium in town). Already in the previous decade the City Council had committed itself to providing the city with higher education. There is documentary evidencedocumentary evidence: 书面证明, 证明文件 for such a commitment in the City Council archivesarchives: n.档案, 公文, 档案室, 案卷保管处, which some scholars cite as proof of an earlier date, 1276, for the establishment of the Studium (this is the date on the University banner). The document concerns a Studium that had what might be termed ,special, status, that is, its diplomas were only recognised within the city walls of Perugia. It was up to the City Council to search and provide for renowned academics so as to attract a greater number of students. This would also pave the way for recognition by the great universal powers of the time notably the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire of the quality of teaching at the Studium as well as their approval of the validityvalidity: n.有效性, 合法性, 正确性 of its academic qualifications in all the domains under the power of the Church and the Empire.

The first official act bearing witness to the desire of Perugia to establish a real Studium albeit of the “special” type as mentioned above featuring academics who were to be recruited and paid by the Perugia City Council, dates back to 1285.

However, the final step in the establishment of the Studium, once the City Council had approved all the complex legislation to establish the new institution in the 1306 charter, was the issuance by Pope Clement V of the bull Super Specula on 8 September 1308. Its longstanding loyalty and devotion to the Holy See made the City worthy of the grant of this prestigious academic privilege. Clement V,s act entitled Perugia to lecture generaliter, or the right to offer courses in all disciplines. The University of Perugia was finally officially recognized and quickly began its rise to prominence. Recognition by the Empire arrived in 1355, when Charles IV, who had come to Rome to be crowned Emperor, gave the city two diplomas: the first granting Perugia the permanent right to have a Studium and the second granting all the people, even from the remotest regions, free access and safe return home from their studies in Perugia, without fear of retaliationretaliation: n.报复, 报仇, tax, or duties.