The city sits well inland, but a mere 6 meters above sea level. Seville was long an important sea port, priorprior to adv.在前, 居先 to the silting up of the Guadalquivir. Amerigo Vespucci died in Seville. From Seville Ferdinand Magellan obtained the ships for his circumnavigationcircumnavigation n.世界一周旅行, 周游世界. Much of the Spanish Empire,s silver from the New World came to Europe in the Spanish treasure fleet that landed in Seville, and Seville holds the most important archive of the Spanish administration in the Americas, the Archivo General de Indias. The American riches made it a magnetmagnet n.磁体, 磁铁 for people around Spain, ranging from latifundia nobles and foreign merchants (who were broken by Spanish cargadores) to an active crime scene, pictured in the picaresque genre. The American silver was rapidly transhippedtranship v.换船, 换车 to Antwerp or Genoa, seat of the bankers who had advanced steady funds to the Spanish Crown. Other treasures of the Americas passed first through Seville, the first commercial shipment of chocolate from Veracruz arrived in Seville in 1585.
Seville was a strongholdstronghold n.要塞, 据点 of the liberalsliberal n.自由主义者, (尤指英国、加拿大等国的) adj.慷慨的, 不拘泥的, 宽大的, 自由主义的 during the Spanish Civil War, 1820~1823.
During the Spanish Civil War, Seville sided with the Nationalists, and was the site of the Nationalist edition of the ABC newspaper.
The city,s great cathedralcathedral n.大教堂 was built from 1401~1519 after the Reconquista on the former site of the city,s mosque. It is the largest of all medieval and Gothic cathedrals, in terms of both area and volume. The interior, with the longest nave in Spain, is lavishly decorated, with a large quantity of gold evident. The Cathedral reused some columns and elements from the mosquemosque n.清真寺, and most famously the Giralda, originally a minaret, was converted into a bell tower. It is topped with a statue representing Faith. The Giralda is the city,s most famous symbol.
The Alcázar facing the cathedral is the city,s old MoorishMoorish adj.摩尔人的, (建筑, 家具等)摩尔人式的, 摩尔人风格的 Palace; construction was begun in 1181. Additional construction continued for over 500 years.
Granada is a city and the capital of the province of Granada, in the community of Andalusia, Spain. It is situated at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, at the confluenceconfluence n.汇合 of two rivers, Darro and Genil, at an elevation of 738 metres above sea level. At the 2003 census, the population of the city of Granada proper was 237,663, and the population of the entire urban area was estimated to be 450,439, ranking as the 13th - largest urban area of the Spanish Kingdom. About 3.3% of the population did not hold Spanish citizenshipcitizenship n.公民的身份, 公民的职责和权力, the largest number of these (31%) coming from South America.
The Alhambra, a famous Moorish citadel and palace, is in Granada. It is the most remarkable item of the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian historical legacy that makes Granada a hot spot among cultural and tourist cities in Spain.
Granada is also wellknown within Spain due to its prestigious university and, nowadays, wild nightlife (though in the 1920s Federico García Lorca described the grenadinos as “the worst bourgeoisiebourgeoisie n.资产阶级 in Spain”). In fact, it is said that it is one of the three best cities for college students (the other two are Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela).
The city has been inhabited from the dawn of history. There was an IberoCeltic settlement here, which made contact in turn with Phoenecians, Carthagenians and Greeks. By the 5th century BCE, the Greeks had established a colony which they named “Elybirge”. Under Roman rule, in the early centuries CE, this name had become “Ilíberis”. The VisigothsVisigoth n.西哥特人(四世纪后入侵罗马帝国并在法国和西班牙建立王国的条顿族人) maintained the importance of the city as a centre of both ecclesiasticalecclesiastical adj.教会的, 牧师的, 神职的 and civil administration and also established it as a military stronghold.
A Jewish community established itself in what was effectively a suburbsuburb n.市郊, 郊区 of the city, called “Gárnata” or “Gárnata alyahud” (Granada of the Jews). It was with the help of this community that Moorish forces under Tariq ibnZiyad first took the city in 711, though it was not fully secured until 713. They gave it the name “Ilbira”, the remaining Christian community calling this “Elvira”, and it became the capital of a province of the Caliphate of Cordoba. Civil conflicts that wrackedwrack n.失事船只, 破坏 vt.完全毁坏 the Caliphate in the early 11th century led to the destruction of the city in 1010. In the subsequent reconstruction, the suburb of Gárnata was incorporated in the city, and the modern name in fact derives from this. With the arrival of the Zirid dynastydynasty n.朝代, 王朝 in 1013, Granada became an independent kingdom. By the end of the 11th century, the city had spread across the Darro to reach what is now the site of the Alhambra.
From 1232 to 1492, Granada was the seat of the Nasrid dynasty that ruled the sultanatesultanate n.伊斯兰教君主的领地, 伊斯兰教君主的地位 (until 1238) and kingdom from the mid 13th century to the 15th century, one of the longestlasting Islamic dynasties in the history of all Andalus. The Nasrid sultans and kings were responsible for building most of the palaces in the Alhambra.