
第17章 名校风采Famous Universities(1)

University St. Andrews








PAC (Postgraduate Access Course) 研究生英语班


TAC(Taiwan Access Course)中国学生先修课程




DBE(Diploma in Business and English)商业及英文文凭课程






St. Andrews is Scotland,s first University and the third oldest in the UK. For almost six centuries, It has proudly upheld the tradition of academicacademic adj.学院的, 理论的 excellence, attracting scholars of international repute and students from all over the world.

Today, It continues to offer the latest in teaching and research, all within a superblysuperbly adv.雄伟地, 壮丽地 picturesque mediaeval setting. Although St. Andrews is not a campus University, it has grown and developed with the town and is now comfortably integratedintegrated adj.综合的, 完整的.

Owing to the size of St. Andrews, students feel they belong here and enjoy the benefits of studying at a highly residential University where academic and social lives intermingleintermingle n.混合.

History of the University

Founded in 1413, St. Andrews is the oldest university in Scotland. By the middle of the sixteenth century the University had three colleges-St. Salvator,s (1450), St. Leonard,s (1511), and St Mary,s (1538): the buildings of St Mary,s College and St Salvator,s Chapel both date from this period.

The 16th to 18th centuries saw a period of mixed fortunes for the University. During this time St. Salvator,s and St. Leonard,s Colleges joined to form the United College which still survivessurvive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生还 in a greatly enlarged form.

In the 19th century the University made considerable progress in developing teaching and research in the Arts, Divinity and the Biological and Physical Sciences. In 1897 the University was joined by a new academic centre in Dundee and with it gained notable achievements in Medical and Applied Science. This association ended in 1967 with the foundation of a separate University of Dundee.

The University history, its personalitiespersonality n.个性, 人格, 人物, 名人, (用复数)诽谤、人身攻击 and its teaching practices can be traced through the collections of documents, art works, furniture, laboratory equipment and specimens that it has accumulated in its Museum collections.

The University Today

The University provides an invigoratinginvigorating adj.精力充沛的, 爽快的 intellectual climate in which staff have close contacts with one another and with colleagues in other U.K. and overseas universities and research establishments. All Schools in both the sciences and the arts are actively involved in pushing back the frontiers of knowledge.

Physically the University is closely integrated with the town; the modern purposebuilt library and many academic Schools are located centrally. The growth in physical and mathematicalmathematical adj.数学的, 精确的 sciences has been accommodated at the North Haugh on the edge of St. Andrews. A modern sports centre with adjacent playing fields and halls of residence are also located in this area.

St Andrews is relatively small, despite being a “city”, with a population of 16,000. The University population (Staff and students) numbers around 6,000. On average one in three people you see in the street have something to do with the University. You start to feel that you belong very quickly.

University Government

The constitution of the University is laid down in a series of Acts of Parliament enacted between 1858 and 1966. Under these the University Court is the supreme governing body having responsibilitiesresponsibility n.责任, 职责 for the finances, appointment of staff and general managerial functions. Its twentyfive members come from within the University, the local community and beyond. The Court is chaired by the Rector, elected by the matriculatedmatriculate v.被录取入学 n.被录取者 students of the University.

The Senatus Academicus is the supreme academic body under the presidency of the Principal. It consists of all professors, heads of school, a number of elected nonprofessorial members of staff, and four student members. Much of the Senate,s business is delegated to a smaller body, the Academic Council.

The University is divided into four Faculties-Arts, Divinity, Science, Medicine-each one governed by a Faculty Council comprising all permanent members of academic staff in each school in the Faculty (members of cross faculty schools may attend either or both Faculty Councils). These Faculty Councils, in associationassociation n.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想 with the Senatus Academicus, are ultimately responsible inter alia for the approval of new undergraduate and postgraduate courses and for overseeing monitoring of the progress of students. The Deans of Faculties and other Faculty officers, including those responsible for postgraduatepostgraduate n.研究所学生, 研究生 adj.毕业后的 matters, are elected by the Faculty Councils. The Faculty Councils meet once annually, towards the end of each academic year.