
第19章 名校风采Famous Universities(3)

Consequently in 1870, it moved to a greenfield site on the Gilmorehill in the West End of the city (around three miles west of its prior location), enclosed by a large loop of the River Kelvin. Its accommodations there were a number of custommade buildings, designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the Gothic revival style. The largest of these (now called the Gilbert Scott Building) echoed (in a far grander scale) the High Street campus, twin quadrangle layoutlayout n.规划, 设计, (书刊等)编排, 版面, 配线, 企划, 设计图案, (工厂等的)布局图版面设计. Between the two quadrangles Scott built an open cloister, above which are his grand Bute Hall (used for examinations and graduation ceremonies), and the buildings, signature Gothic bell tower. The sandstone cladding and Gothic design of the buildings, exterior belie the modernity of its Victorian construction-Scott,s building is hung on a (then cuttingedge) riveted iron frame, with a lightweight woodenbeam roof.

Even these enlarged premises could not contain the ever growing university, which quickly spread across much of Gilmorehill. The 1930s saw the construction of the award-winning round reading room (it is now a gradeA listed building) and an aggressive programme of house purchases, in which the university (fearing the surrounding district of Hillhead was running out of suitable building land) acquired several terraces of Victorian houses and joined them together internally. The departments of Psychology, Computing Science, and Eastern European Languages continue to be housed in these terracesterrace n.梯田的一层, 梯田, 房屋之平顶, 露台, 阳台, 倾斜的平地 adj.(女服)叠层式的 vt.使成梯形地, 使有平台屋顶.

More buildings were built beside the main buildings, filling the land between University Avenue and the river with natural science buildings and the faculty of medicine. The medical school spread into neighbouring Partick and joined with the Western General Infirmary. The growth and prosperity of the city, which had forced the university,s relocation to Hillhead, again proved problematic when more real estate was required. The school of veterinary medicineveterinary medicine 兽医, which was founded in 1862, moved to a new campus in the leafy suburb of Garscube in 1954. The university later moved its sports ground and associated facilities to Anniesland (around two miles west of the main campus) and built student halls of residence in both Anniesland and Maryhill.

The growth of tertiary education from the 1960s led the university to build numerous modern buildings across the hill, including several brutalistbrutalist n.野兽派(信奉美术、建筑或文学上野兽主义的人) concrete blocks: the Maclaurin building (housing the department of mathematics, named after university graduate Colin Maclaurin); the Boyd Orr building (a squat grey concrete tower housing lecture rooms and laboratories); and the Adam Smith building (housing the social science faculty, named after university graduate Adam Smith). Other additions around this time, including the glasslined library tower and the amberrick geology building were more in keeping with the Gilmorehill,s leafy suburban architecture. Interestingly, the erection of these buildings around 1968 also involved the demolitiondemolition n.破坏, 毁坏, 毁坏之遗迹 of a large number of houses in Ashton Road, and rerouting the west end of University Avenue to its current position.

The university is currently over a number of different campuses. The main one is the Gilmorehill campus, in Hillhead. As well as this there is the Vet School at the top of Maryhill Road, on the Garscube Estate. The University also operates a Dental School in the city centre; as well as the aforementionedaforementioned adj.上述的, 前述的 Crichton campus in Dumfries; and in 2003 they opened their new Education Faculty Building (the St Andrews Building, replacing Bearsden,s St Andrews Campus) in the Woodlands area of the city on the site of the former Queens College, which had in turn been bought by Glasgow Caledonian University, from whom the university acquired the site.

The University of Edinburgh


爱丁堡大学创建于1583年,是大不列颠六所最古老、最大的大学之一。爱丁堡大学既珍惜往日的荣誉,又在今天不断地追求、创新,以其出色而多样的教学与研究而享誉世界。 爱丁堡大学分旧学院和新学院两部分,旧学院是现在法律与欧洲研究所学院所在地。附近有McEwan大厅,是维多利亚农业丰收的象征建筑,内设有2200个座位,专门为举行毕业典礼及一些大型正式的洽谈会所设。


爱丁堡大学的教研人员总数近3000人,全校分设8个学院。这8个学院分别是:艺术学院、法学院、神学院、科学与工程学院、社会科学院、兽医学院以及音乐学院。在最近开展的评估活动中,94%的教职员工递交了研究报告,其中将近90%的员工所在的系被评为4级、5级或者5级(最低级别为1级,最高级别为5级)。爱丁堡大学的26个专业中有24各个专业被外部评估机构评为“优秀”或者“极为满意”。 爱丁堡大学是苏格兰最具规模的院校之一,在校学生总数达到17 000人,其中16%为来自100多个国家的外国留学生。1998年8月11日,莫雷教育学院与爱丁堡大学合并,进一步扩大了爱丁堡大学的规模。申请莫雷教育学院以及在该校就读的学生毕业后,均可获得爱丁堡大学的毕业证书文凭或学位证书。爱丁堡大学的课程专业设置齐全,鼓励学生跨学科学习,并授予联合学位。研究生占学生总数的20%以上。爱丁堡大学还开设外延式课程,使学生能够在国外学习一年非学位课程。该校每年10月份开学,分春、秋、夏三个学期。每学期10周,圣诞节有3周假期,复活节有4周假期。

The University of Edinburgh, founded in 1583, is a renowned centre for teaching and research in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is one of the ancient universities of Scotland and is amongst the largest and most prestigious in the United Kingdom.

Edinburgh is one of the greenest and most architecturallyarchitecturally adv.建筑上 beautiful cities in Europe often referred to as the “Athens of the North”. The University plays an integral role in the city, contributing to its vibrant atmosphere. However, as well as the architectural gemsgem n.宝石, 珍宝, 精华, 被喜爱的人, 美玉 cited above, it has contributed several of the most ugly buildings in the city. These include the Appleton Tower and the University Library (at George Square) and the Darwin building (at the south Edinburgh King,s Buildings site).