
第4章 城市导航City Guide(2)

Most tourists descend on Edinburgh in summer (between July and September) and particularly in August, for the worldfamous Edinburgh International Festival, when the city is abuzzabuzz adj.嗡嗡的, 嘁嘁喳喳的, 活泼的 with cultural activity. There is also a lively Fringe Festival, Military Tattoo and the Book, Film and Jazz Festivals running concurrently with the main event. However, it is also very crowded at this time, with accommodation booked up for months in advance...thus is you are thinking of visiting during these months; book early! Another influx of visitors occurs over the New Year period, when the popular Hogmanay Festival takes place. The quietest time to visit, therefore, is either in the spring or late autumn, when the attractions are less overrunoverrun n.泛滥成灾, 超出限度 vt.蹂躏, 超过, 泛滥 vi.泛滥, 蔓延 with tourists and getting around the place is easier.













Glasgow is Scotland,s largest city, situated on the River Clyde in the country,s west central lowlands.

Known as the commercial capital of Scotland, the City of Glasgow is a bustlingbustling adj.熙熙攘攘的, 忙乱的, cosmopolitan city. It has a population of 612,000, down from its 1960s peak of 1.1 million, while approximately 2.1 million people live in Greater Glasgow : A 15 mile radius of the city centre known as the city of Glasgow and the greater metropolitanmetropolitan adj.首都的, 主要都市的, 大城市 area. The surrounding region of Strathclyde (from the Gaelic for “valley of the River Clyde”) has a population of over 2.6 million, over half of the whole Scottish population.

The city,s name comes from the older Gaelic glas cu (compare modern Gaelic Glaschu), meaning green hollow. The “dear green place” (Glaschu) has been misquotedmisquote v.错误地引用 as a Gaelic translation for the city, but this was actually Daniel Defoe,s description of the city when he visited in the early 18th century; he also claimed that Glasgow was “the cleanest and beautifullest, and best built city in Britain, London excepted”. At that time, the city was built with attractive, compact wooden buildings, none of which remain.

Glasgow is the second most popular foreign tourist destination in Scotland after Edinburgh and the third most popular in the UK after London. The city also boastsboast n.自夸, 值得夸耀的事物 v.自夸, 以有……而自豪 the UK,s second largest and most economically important shopping district after London,s West End.

Glasgow is hard to define. In recent years there has been a phenomenal amount of change in Glasgow. The city has endeavouredendeavour n.(英)尽力,竭力 to reinvent itself, both socially and culturally. This spontaneous freespirit has cast off its industrial past to become a modern, design conscious city with an energy and exuberance that is simply not found anywhere else in Scotland.

Here visitors will enjoy the trendytrendy n.新潮人物, 穿着时髦的人 adj.流行的 stores, stylish restaurants and a diverse cultural scene that help make this Scotland,s most exciting city and a refreshing alternative to the smaller, historic city of Edinburgh. From the awe inspiring Gothic masterpiece of Glasgow Cathedral to the city,s hoard of excellent art galleries, visitors will be amazed atamazed at 吃惊于…… how much Glasgow has to offer.

Visit the City

Glasgow is a good choice for a visit in this country. If you are a newcomer to the area or haven,t visited for a while, the information provided on this and related pages will prove invaluable in assistingassist v.援助, 帮助 you to make your holiday or business venture here, as simple as a stroll down your local street back home.

Popular with tourists, Glasgow has gone through a metamorphosis. From a dirty city, its slum docks the bane of it,s past, it,s blossomed into a city with style, poise and panachepanache n.羽饰, 华丽.

The city,s development has always been unashamedly commercial, tied up with the wealth of its manufacturers and merchants, who constructed a vast number of civic buildings throughout the 19th century. Many of these have been preserved, and Glasgow claims, with some justificationjustification n.认为有理, 认为正当, 理由, 辩护, 释罪, to be Britain,s greatest Victorian city.

Glasgow offers a wealth of cultural and leisure attractions; a plethora of galleries, museums and ancient buildings, operas, ballets, orchestrasorchestra n.管弦乐队, 乐队演奏处 and concerts. The city,s name comes from glas ghu Celtic for “dear green place” and still lives up to its name with more than 70 parks and gardens to explore.