
第32章 名校风采Famous Universities(5)

Yale University is a private university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 as the Collegiate School, Yale is the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States. The University has graduated numerous Nobel Prize laureateslaureate   adj.佩戴桂冠的    n.戴桂冠的人, Supreme Court justices, and U.S. Presidents, including William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford (LL.B), George H.W. Bush (B.A.), Bill Clinton (J.D.), and George W. Bush (B.A.). Its $12.7 billion academic endowment is the second largest worldwide (behind only its larger rival, Harvard University).

Yale,s emphasis on undergraduate teaching is unusual among its peer research universities. The undergraduate College was the most selective worldwideworldwide    adj.全世界的 in 2004, accepting fewer than 10 percent of its applicants, and has produced more Rhodes Scholars than any institution save Harvard. Each undergraduate lives in one of the twelve residential colleges. Yale offers strong graduate programs in classics, dramadrama   n.(在舞台上演的)戏剧, 戏剧艺术, art, architecture, history, medicine and law. Among law schools, Yale Law School is by far the most selective in the United States. Overall, the University has more than 3,000 faculty members, among whom Sterling Professors are considered the highest rank.

The rivalry between Yale University and Harvard University is long and storied, by far the oldest and most intense in the Ivy League; from academics to rowing to college football, their historic competition is similar to that of Oxford and Cambridge. Princeton is often included in the same breath as the older U.S. schools, but its place in any rivalry is far less developed.

Where the more subjective question of “prestige” is concerned, Yale also fares well. For example, in the faculty reputational surveys which form a key component of the college and university rankings published annually by US News & World Report, Yale consistently ranks in the top echelonechelon   n.[军]梯形, 梯阵, 梯次编  vt.排成梯队   vi.排成梯队 (along with Princeton and Harvard).

Intellectual “Schools”

Because of its age and prestige, Yale has been responsible for many intellectual trends. Most famously, these have come out of Yale,s English and literature departments, starting with New Criticism. Of the New Critics - Robert Penn Warren, W.K. Wimsatt, and Cleanth Brooks were all Yale faculty. Later, after the passing of the New Critical fad, the Yale literature department became a center of American deconstruction, with French and Comparative Literature departments centered around Paul de Man and supported by the English department. This has become known as the “Yale School”. Yale,s history department has also originated important intellectual trends. Historian C. Vann Woodward is credited for beginning in the 1960s an important stream of southern historianshistorian   n.历史学家, 史家; likewise, David Montgomery, a labor historian, advised many of the current generation of labor historians in the country. Most noticeably, a tremendous number of currently active Latin American historians were trained at Yale in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s by Emìlia Viotta da Costa; younger Latin Americanists tend to be “intellectual cousins” in that their advisors were advised by the same people at Yale. Because so many of the country,s law professors were trained at Yale Law School, there is a similar effect in legal education.


Yale supports 35 varsity athletic teams that compete in the Ivy League Conference and the Eastern College Athletic Conference, and Yale is an NCAA Division I member. American football was largely created at Yale by player and coach Walter Camp, who evolved the rules of the game away from rugbyrugby   n.橄榄球 and soccer in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Yale has numerous athletic facilities, including the Payne Whitney Gymnasium, the largest and most elaborateelaborate   adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细   vt.精心制作, 详细阐述  v.详细描述 indoor athletic complex in the world. The school mascot is “Handsome Dan”, the famous Yale bulldog, and the Yale fight song (written by Cole Porter) contains the refrain, “Bulldog, bulldog, bow wow wow”.

Yale athletics are ably and enthusiastically supported by the Yale Precision Marching Band. The band attends every home football game and many away, as well as most hockeyhockey   n.曲棍 and basketball games throughout the winter.

Yale intramural sports are a vibrant aspect of student life. Students compete for their respective residential colleges, which fosters a friendly rivalry. The year is divided into Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons, each of which include approximately ten different sports each. About half the sports are coed. At the end of the year, the residential college with the most points (not all sports count equally) wins the Tyng Cup.

The University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学





The University of Pennsylvania (commonly referred to as Penn or UPenn, although the former is the preferred and recognized nickname of the University) is a private, nonsectariannonsectarian   adj.无宗派的, research university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A member of the Ivy League, Penn is considered to be a leader in the sciences, the humanities, law, medicine, education, engineering and business.

The University of Pennsylvania is often confused with the Pennsylvania State University (also known as “Penn State”), a public research university whose main campus is located in the geographic center of Pennsylvania in State College.
