
第23章 堪萨斯州(6)

22.Civil War veteran S.P.Dinsmoor used over 100tons of concrete to build the Garden of Eden in Lucas.Even the flag above the mausoleum(陵墓)is made of concrete.

23.Handel’s Messiah has been presented in Lindsborgeach at Easter since 1889.

24.A monument to the first Christian martyr(烈士,殉教者)on United States Territory stands along Highway 56near Lyons.Father Juan de Padilla came to the region with the explorer Coronado in 1541.

25.Hutchinson is nicknamed the Salt City because it was built above some of the richest salt deposits in the world.Salt is still actively mined,processed and shipped from Hutchinson.

26.There are 27Walnut Creeks in the state.

27.There are more than 600incorporated towns in the state.

28.Morton County sells the most trout fishing stamps of all the Kansas counties.

29.Fire Station No.4in Lawrence,originally a stone barn constructed in 1858,was a station site on the Underground Railroad.

30.The Hugoton Gas Field is the largest natural gas field in the United States.It underlies all or parts of 10southwestern Kansas counties as well as parts of Oklahoma and Texas.The gas field underlies almost 8,500square miles,an area nearly 5times as large as the state of Rhode Island.

31.The Kansas Speleological Society has catalogued at least 528caves in 37Kansas counties.Commanche County has at least 128caves and Barber County has at least 117caves.

32.Kansas has the largest population of wild grouse(松鸡)in North America.The grouse is commonly called the prairie chicken.

33.Milford Reservoir with over 16,000acres of water is the state’s largest lake.The reservoir(水库,蓄水池)is located northwest of Junction City.

34.The Geodetic Center of North America is about 40miles south of Lebanon at Meade’s Ranch.It is the beginning point of reference for land surveying in North America.When a surveyor checks a property line,he or she is checking the position of property in relation to Meade’s Ranch in northwest Kansas.

35.In Italy the city of Milan is 300miles northwest of Rome.In Kansas,Milan is less than 25miles northwest of Rome,in Sumner County.

36.Between 1854and 1866,34steamboats paddled(划桨,涉水)up the Kaw River(Kansas River).One made it as far west as Fort Riley.

37.In 1990Kansas wheat farmers produced enough wheat to make 33billion loaves(块)of bread,or enough to provide each person on earth with 6loaves.

38.Holy Cross Shrine in Pfeifer,was known as the 2Cent Church because the building was built using a 2cent donation on each bushel(蒲式耳(容量等于八加仑))of wheat sold by members of the church.

39.Kansas produced a record 492.2million bushels of wheat in 1997,enough to make 35.9billion loaves of bread.

40.The American Institute of Baking is located in Manhattan.

41.A 30foot tall statue of Johnny Kaw stands in Manhattan.The statue represents the importance of the Kansas wheat farmer.

42.The graham cracker(全麦(粉)饼干)was named after the Reverend Sylvester Graham(1794-1851).He was a Presbyterian(长老会的)minister who strongly believed in eating whole wheat flour products.

43.The rocks at Rock City are huge sandstone([地]沙岩)concretions.In an area about the size of two football fields,200rocks,some as large as houses,dot the landscape.There is no other place in the world where there are so many concretions of such giant size.

44.George Washington Carver,the famous botanical scientist who discovered more than 300products made from the peanut,graduated from high school in Minneapolis in 1885.

45.The First United Methodist Church in Hutchinson was built in 1874during the time of the grasshopper plagues(瘟疫,灾祸).The grasshoppers came during the construction of the churches foundation but the pastor(牧师)continued with the work.As a result,thousands of grasshoppers are mixed into the mortar of the original building’s foundation.

46.A hailstone(冰雹)weighing more than one and a half pounds once fell on Coffeyville.

47.The Oregon Trail passed thru(经过,通过)six states,including Kansas.There were no Indian attacks reported on the Oregon Trail as the travelers passed through the state.

48.Russell Springs located in Logan County is known as the Cow Chip Capital of Kansas.

49.The world famous fast-food chain of Pizza Hut restaurants opened its first store in Wichita.

50.Sumner County is known as The Wheat Capital of the World.