
第2章 康涅狄格州(2)

During the American Revolution,Connecticut gave freely of her blood and wealth.Her soldiers were on the battle line from Quebec to Carolina.It was General Israel Putnam at the battle of Bunker Hill who cried:“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”Patriot-spy Nathan Hale,as he was about to be hanged by the British,said:“I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

By the end of the Revolution family farms were unable to support the large number of young people in the area.The population boom made it necessary for more and more descendants(子孙,后代)of original settlers to leave for the north,west,and south to provide for themselves and their families.Cheaper,available land elsewhere provided much of the motivation.Farms gave way to the newly burgeoning(萌芽)Industrial Revolution,and new ethnic groups wended(走)their ways along the Long Island Shoreline of Connecticut’s growing metropolitan areas.

To George Washington,Connecticut was “The Provision State”because of supplies contributed to his army by Gov.Jonathan Trumbull-the only Colonial governor,incidentally(附带地,顺便提及),to support the cause of America’s independence from Great Britain.

After independence was secured,Connecticut quickly got down to business.Textile and paper mills,along with metal forges and shipyards(造船所),were the state’s industrial mainstays and attracted immigrants from across Europe,such as the Portuguese(葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语)who settled in Mystic.Once the trauma([医]外伤,损伤)of the Civil War passed,industrialization increased,slowed only by the hard times of the Great Depression.

From 1703to 1875,Connecticut had two capitals;sessions of the General Assembly met alternately(交替地,隔一个地)in Hartford and New Haven.Since then,the capital has been Hartford.

Connecticut has prospered with the growing importance of service industries,especially insurance(dozens of companies are headquartered in the state,with Hartford being the unofficial insurance capital).Its proximity to New York City makes Connecticut an important business center,as well as the site of many of New York’s suburbs.Thus,the state’s fortunes are tied very closely to the economic health of New York and the nation.


M.Jodi Rell在2004年7月1日当选为康涅狄格州第87任州长。在做了9年之久的副州长之后,他拥有了本州最高的职责。在被选举为副州长之前,她作为美国众议院Brookfield 107区的代表长达10年之久。她关心民众、支持国家安全建设、保障人民利益、重视学校教育,不断提高本州经济水平。

Governor M.Jodi Rell was sworn—in as Connecticut’s 87th Governor on July 1,2004.The Governor holds the state’s highest office after serving as Lieutenant Governor for more than nine years.

Prior to being elected Lieutenant Governor,she represented the 107th District of Brookfield(布鲁克菲尔德)for 10years in the state House of Representatives and held many leadership positions,including Assistant House Minority Leader and Deputy House Minority Leader.

Since taking office,the Governor has moved to address the priorities most important to the people of Connecticut:Demanding the highest ethical standards of everyone serving in state government;bolstering(支撑,支持)homeland security efforts to protect our citizens;enhancing educational opportunities for all schoolchildren -with a special focus on early childhood education;and improving the state’s economy and job outlook.

One of her first actions as Governor was to issue Executive Order#1and to appoint a Special Counsel for Ethics Compliance to advise her and all state agencies,departments and boards and commissions on issues of public integrity(正直,诚实,完整).She also announced a plan to restructure the State Ethics Commission and to establish a Contracting Reform Task Force to recommend improvements in the way the state purchases(买,购买)goods and services.

Governor Rell appointed Dr.Janice Gruendel,a leading advocate for children,to recommend steps to expand and strengthen early childhood education and to seek new strategies to close the achievement gap(缺口,差距)in Connecticut.

To enhance homeland security efforts,the Governor assigned a team of homeland security and public safety experts to conduct a national search for a director of the new Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.She also appointed a new Commissioner of the state Department of Public Safety.

The Governor has taken steps to spur(鞭策,刺激)economic and job growth in Connecticut by convening(召集,集合)a jobs panel and holding a meeting with the state’s top economists to recommend ways to improve the employment outlook.

As Lieutenant Governor,she launched an unprecedented effort to guarantee that Connecticut’s schools and libraries have access to the best possible technology and that students are “cyber-ready”by the sixth grade.Her work has resulted in the creation of the Connecticut Education Network,the nation’s first all-optical network.When completed in 2005,the network will connect more than 1,000K-12schools,250public libraries and all of the state’s college campuses.

The Governor also championed initiatives(主动)to give recognition for those who served our country and communities—from veterans to firefighters.These efforts include securing funding for thermal imaging cameras used by firefighters in each of the more than 300fire departments in the state.She also led the effort to establish a new law in 2000to allow honorably(值得尊敬地,体面地)discharged World War II veterans to receive high school diplomas if,because of their military service,they left high school to serve their country.

The Governor remains committed to supporting causes that benefit men and women throughout the state.She continues to bring attention to breast cancer(乳癌)awareness,education and prevention.She has participated in numerous National Mammography(乳房X线照相术)Day and Race for the Cure events,sponsored free and reduced-cost mammograms(乳房X线照片)in her State Capitol office during Breast Cancer Awareness Month,and led the campaign to collect funds for breast cancer research and education through donated state income tax refunds.