
第2章 政坛枭雄(2)

We had one warder at the quarry who seemed particularly hostile to us.This was troublesome,for at the quarry we would hold discussions among ourselves,and a warder who did not permit us to talk was a great hindrance.I asked a certain comrade to befriend this fellow so that he would not interrupt our talks.The warder was quite crude,but he soon began to relax a bit around this one prisoner.One day,the warder asked this comrade for his jacket so that he could lay it on the grass and sit on it.Even though I knew it went against the comrade’s grain,I nodded to him to do it.

A few days later,we were having our lunch under the shed when this warder wandered over.The warder had an extra sandwich,and he threw it on the grass near us and said,“Here.”That was his way of showing friendship.

This presented us with a dilemma.On the one hand,he was treating us as animals to whom he could toss a bit of slop,and I felt it would undermine our dignity to take the sandwich.On the other hand,we were hungry,and to reject the gesture altogether would humiliate the warder we were trying to befriend.I could see that the comrade who had befriended the warder wanted the sandwich,and I nodded for him to take it.

The strategy worked,for this warder became less wary around us.He even began to ask questions about the ANC.By definition,if a man worked for the prison service he was probably brainwashed by the government’s propaganda.He would have believed that we were terrorists and Communists who wanted to drive the white man into the sea.But as we quietly explained to him our nonracialism,our desire for equal rights,and our plans for the redistribution of wealth,he scratched his head and said,“It makes more bloody sense than the Nats.”

Having sympathetic warders facilitated one of our most vital tasks on Robben Island:communication.We regarded it as our duty to stay in touch with our men in F and G,which was where the general prisoners were kept.As politicians,we were just as intent on fortifying our organization in prison as we had been outside.Communication was essential if we were to coordinate our protests and complaints.Because of the greater numbers of prisoners coming and going in the general section,the men in F and G tended to have more recent information about not only what was happening in the movement,but about our friends and families...










To the Top:Fidel Ramos

As a young boy,Ramos watched his congressmanfather chop wood and plant vegetables to feed his family.Once prominent in the northern province,the Ramos Ⅱ.Although he was too young for military service the war touched Ramos when he helped shield his second cousin,Ferdinad Marcos,then a lieutenant in the underground guerrilla army,from the Japanese.

Despite such distractions,Ramos remained a serious student,becoming president of his secondary school class.In 1945,one year before his country gained independence from America,he decided on a career.Engineers would be needed to rebuild his devastated country,he concluded.

He took a competitive exam for West Point,the U.S.military academy,and won the one space reserved in each class for a Filipino.Following graduation.He trained as a civil engineer in Illinois.He learned to lead by example and soon recognized his own country’s need for a professional,nonpolitical military.His time in America,he says,reinforced his strong belief in free enterprise his strong belief in free enterprise,in the rule of law and in the value of rewarding merit.

Ramos served with Philippine forces during the Korean War and then returned home to fight against peasant rebels.As a captain he helped found and train the first battalion of elite Philippine forces during the Korean War and then returned home to fight against peasant rebels.As a captain he helped found and train the first battalion of elite Philippine special forces troops.As a major,he volunteered for Vietnam,where he realized for Vietnam,where he realized that the same conditions that fed revolution there also existed in his own impoverished country.

As Ramos rose through the ranks of the Philippine military,he knew better than most the excesses of the Marcos regime.He had frequently thought of quitting,but had stayed out of loyalty to his men.“I have so many thousands of people to whom I am responsible,”Ramos told his friends.“I cannot just quit.”Besides,Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the military led national police force.

Eventually,the break came.At 4p.m.on February 21,1986,MajorGeneral Fidel Ramos was preparing to face a gathering of angry neighbors.Juan Ponce Enrile,the defense minister,was asking him to join an uprising against Marcos.