
第5章 奥运对话练习(4)

Tina:Yes,we’re not getting any younger.Hey,you look heavier than you used to be.

Sam:Yes,I know.I want to lose some weight.Everyone gets older.But you look younger than ever.What’s your secret?

Tina:There is no secret.I get more exercise than you.And I’m more careful about my diet.You should too.

Sam:You’re right.When the weather becomes warmer,I’ll do it.

Tina:No,you should start right now.

Sam:OK.I’ll start today.Thank you for your advice.

Tina:That’s nothing.And remember the most important thing is perseverance.


1.在对话中,Tina和Sam两个老朋友见了面,发现大家都有了一些变化,不同的是Tina越来越年轻,而Sam却日显老态,这是为什么呢?原来是Tina坚持锻炼和注意饮食的缘故。两个人见面后,Sam问Tina,在纽约怎么样,Tina回答Couldn’t be better.好得不能再好了。就是说她对纽约的生活很满意。大家要注意这样的表达方式,因为整句话的意思是用一个否定的形式来表现的,很容易让人用错。

2.比如说,It can’t be worse.就是说没有比这更糟的了,这是最差的了。记得我们以前还说过,It could be better.意思就是说“还可以更好一点,还有改进的余地”,那么It could be worse.就可以表示“现状已经很好了,没有变的更糟”。总之大家分清用的是肯定还是否定就好了。Sam抱怨说他最近总是觉得很累。Tina也表示同意,她说we’re not getting any younger.是说“我们大家都不再年轻了”。

3.Tina还发现Sam发福了,you look heavier than you used to be.你比过去看起来重多了。注意,这里没有用fat这个词,因为在英语中fat是一个略带有贬义的词。Sam也意识到自己的体重问题了,说正想减肥呢。他还夸Tina比以前看起来年轻多了,还向她讨教保持青春的秘诀。

4.Tina告诉他并没有什么特殊的秘诀,就是多做运动,注意饮食。她建议Sam也这样做。这里的be careful about something表示“小心,当心,警惕”,例如:Be careful about what you say to her.跟她说话可要小心,还可以是be careful with something,比如说:Be careful with glasses.小心玻璃杯,不要打破了。He is very careful with money.他用钱很仔细。

5.Sam很赞同Tina的说法,但是他想等天气变暖了,再开始体育锻炼。但是Tina建议他最好现在就开始。Sam决定今天就开始锻炼。Tina鼓励他说And remember the most important thing is perseverance.记住最重要的就是要持之以恒。perseverance的意思是“坚持不懈,不屈不挠”,是从persevere 这个动词演变来的。persevere的用法是persevere at /in /with something,比如当你鼓励别人的时候,你就可以说You’ll need to persevere if you want to succeed.要想成功就要持之以恒。再来举两个例子,She persevered in her efforts to win the scholarship.她为了获得奖学金而不断努力。It’s difficult,but I’m going to persevere with it.难是难,但是我一定要坚持到底。我们还可说persevere with sb,意思就是“不放弃某人”,比如说,He was hopeless at French,but his teacher persevered with him.他怎么也学不会法语,可是老师还是坚持帮助他。

Dialogue Script 2

Susan:Why?Peter,you are sweating heavily.Where have you been?

Peter:I’ve just been to Fitness Center to learn Jiewu.

Susan:What is Jiewu?

Peter:Jiewu is a newly emerged way of keeping fit.It was introduced into China in 1999.

Susan:As I know,there are different kinds of aerobics,Latin dance,fox and so on.Why do you choose Jiewu?

Peter:Of all the kinds of body shaping exercises I tried,I found that this class is the most interesting.I’ve enjoyed it a lot in gym room.

Susan:Oh,really,tell me more about it.

Peter:Well,Jiewu is using its music,its basic movements,and also its freedom for self expression.

Susan:It sounds like an aerobics class.

Peter:Not exactly.The participants and the instructor are dressed in their ordinary casual wear.Moreover,the music they use is not the dancing music that an aerobics class usually uses.

Susan:Is that the main difference from normal aerobics?

Peter:No,Jiewu is a lot more tiring.Even though I’m exhausted,I still enjoyed it.

Susan:Does it mean you feel like being tired out?

Peter:Ha,no.I think it is a good way to relax.And it is too challenging for me to follow the instructor through the motions,but I will continue to learn it.

Susan:Is there any age or one’s skills level limit for entering?

Peter:No.In our class,the youngest student is 15and the oldest is 50.And everyone can choose whatever difficulty level he or she wants to.

Susan:Sounds interesting.I’ll go with you next time.


1.对话中Peter在跟Susan介绍街舞,也就是我们说的Street Dance,对话中直接用的是街舞的汉语拼音,也是可以的。Susan见Peter大汗淋漓,问他去哪了。You are sweating heavily.当中的sweat是作为动词,表示“流汗,出汗”,那么sweat heavily就表示“流很多汗,大汗淋漓”。比如说,The long climb made us sweat.我们攀登了很远的距离,已经大汗淋漓了。

2.关于这个sweat还有几个比较有意思的用法,在口语中,sweat有“处于万分紧急的状态”的意思,举个例子,They’re waiting for my decision but I think I’ll make them sweat a little.他们都在等着我做决定,但是我想让他们先着一阵子急,就是说先不告诉他们这个决定是什么。

3.sweat over something 这个词组表示“辛苦工作”,比如说,I really sweat over my last essay.我写上一篇文章可是费了劲了。还有短语sweat something off表示“通过努力锻炼减肥,减轻体重”,比如说,I sweated off ten pounds in a week by playing squash.我每天都去打比球,一周后体重减轻了10磅。

4.还有一个短语大家会用得上,就是sweat something out,意思是说,用发汗的办法治疗感冒、发烧等,估计大家都会有这方面的经验。I’m sweating the cold out.就是说,我在发汗,希望能治好我的感冒。好,sweat作为动词的用法就讲到这了。接下来,Peter告诉Susan他去了健身中心练习街舞,健身中心就是Fitness Center。