
第12章 字母篇(7)



What do pigs wear to bed?



What do pigs write with?

提示pen的意思是“钢笔”,但是pig pen的正常意思是“猪圈”,解释成“猪的钢笔”只不过是戏言而已。

谜底:A pig pen.

What do polar bears have for lunch?

提示北极熊(polar bears)吃什么当午饭呢?人吃hamburger(汉堡包)、cheeseburger(奶酪包),burger似乎有了“包”的意思。那么,北极熊吃ice burger(冰包)也似乎有点道理,更有意思的是iceburg的意思是“冰山”。


What do sailors in school?


谜底:Their A,B,seas.

What do sea monsters eat?

提示英国人爱吃fish and chips(鱼加土豆条),海妖(sea monsters)吃fish and ships(鱼加船)合乎推理。更有意思的是fish and chips 和fish and ships的读音如此相似。

谜底:Fish and ships.

What do space aliens eat for breakfast?

提示人吃frying sausage(煎香肠),外星人(space aliens)吃的flying sausage(飞行香肠)谁也没有见过。但是frying sausage和flying sansage只差了一个字母!

谜底:Frying sausages.

What do students do when they come home from barber school?

提示一般的学生回家后要做homework(家庭作业),理发学校的学生做comb work(梳子作业)有点道理,因为他们总要跟梳子(comb work)打交道。

谜底:Their comb work.

What do thieves eat?

提示小偷总要“拿走”(take away)东西,他们吃takeaway是想当然的事情。只不过takeaway的原意是“外卖食品”(跟“堂吃”相对)。


What do they do with a tree after they chop it down?

提示chop down的意思是“砍倒”,chop up的意思是“砍碎”。

谜底:Chop it up.

What do traffic wardens have in their sandwiches?

提示jam的意思是“果酱”,而traffic jam的意思是“交通堵塞”。

谜底:Traffic jam.

What do undertakers carry their papers in?



What do women gardeners wear when they get married?

提示新娘穿的是wedding dress(结婚礼服),女园林工(women gardeners)每天都要锄草(weeding),她们在婚礼上也该穿weeding dress (锄草服)吧!wedding dress和weeding dress的读音和拼写都差不多。

谜底:Weeding dresses.

What do women lifeguards wear when they get married?

提示新娘穿的是wedding dress(结婚礼服),女救生员(women lifeguards)总待在水里,经常趟水(wade),她们在婚礼上也该穿wading dress(趟水服)吧!wedding dress和wading dress的读音和拼写都差不多。

谜底:Wading dresses.

What do worms do in a cornfield?

提示短语go in one ear and out of the other的意思是“一个耳朵进一个耳朵出,听不进去”。在这个谜语里,农田里ear是“谷穗”的意思,蠕虫(worms)从一个穗进,从另一个穗出。

谜底:They go in one ear and out the other.

What do you always see running along the streets in town?



What do you become if the teacher makes you stand outside the room?

提示形容词outstanding的意思是“杰出的”,跟standing outside(站在外面)毫不相干!这里是一句戏言。

谜底:An outstanding student.

What do you call a bull that’s sleeping?

提示名词bulldozer的意思是“推土机”,而a bull dozer作“打瞌睡的公牛”解只不过是戏言而已。

谜底:A bull dozer.

What do you call a chicken who is not afraid of anything?

提示什么都不怕的小鸡(a chicken who is not afraid of anything)只能是做熟的菜肴,端上来当晚餐(dinner)。


What do you call a cow with no legs?

提示ground beef作“牛肉馅”解。这个谜语中的“没有腿的母牛”(a cow with no legs)被称作“地上的牛肉”(ground beef)也不无道理。

谜底:Ground beef.

What do you call a deer with no eyes?

提示谜底no idea(不知道)是个绝妙的回答,它跟noeye deer(没有眼睛的鹿)读音完全相同。

谜底:No idea.

What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?

提示这个谜底与前一个相似,still no idea(还是不知道)跟still noeye deer(不会动的没有眼睛的鹿)读音完全相同。

谜底:Still no idea.

What do you call a duck that can’t read?


谜底:A blind duck.

What do you call a fight between two roadmaking companies?

提示大家都熟悉电影Star Wars(星球大战),两个筑路公司之间的争吵被称为Tar Wars(柏油大战)就是仿Star Wars而来。

谜底:Tar Wars.

What do you call a flower in a windowbox?

提示把窗栏花箱(windowbox)里的花称作a bloom with a view(有景致的花)倒也恰当。

谜底:A bloom with a view.

What do you call a flying policeman?


谜底:A heli copper.

What do you call a frightened skin diver?

提示skindiver是只戴面罩不穿潜水衣的潜游者,chicken是“胆小鬼”的比喻说法,所以可以把害怕的潜游者称为chicken of the sea (海上胆小鬼)。

谜底:Chicken of the sea.

What do you call a funny book about eggs?

提示英语里的“笑话书”是joke book,“鸡蛋黄”是yolk。由于joke 和yolk的读音相近,所以把“关于鸡蛋的有趣的书”戏称为yolk book。

谜底:A yolk book.

What do you call a girl with five friends called William?

提示William(威廉)的爱称是Bill(比尔),而bill collector的意思是“收账的人”。把有五个男朋友都叫比尔的人叫做Bill collector是戏谑的说法。

谜底:A Bill collector.

What do you call a girl who gambles?



What do you call a girl with only one trouser leg?



What do you call a goodlooking emu?



What do you call a man driving a truck?

提示Laury(劳利)是英语中常见的人名,跟lorry(卡车)的读音接近,所以把开车的人(a man driving a truck)戏称作Laurie.


What do you call a man who arrives in your letter box?



What do you call a man who makes faces all day?

提示face的通用意思是“脸”,特指“钟面”。所以把“做鬼脸的人”(a man who makes faces)戏称为“钟表匠”。

谜底:A clock maker.

What do you call a man who claps at Christmas?

提示圣诞老人是Santa Claus,所以把圣诞节拍手的人(a man who claps at Christmas)戏称为Santapplause。

谜底:Sant applause.

What do you call a man who makes bread?

提示loaf是“一块面包”,所以把做面包的人(a man who makes bread)戏称为loafer。其实,loafer的意思是“流浪者”。

谜底:A loafer.

What do you call a man with a car on his head?

提示Jack是英语中常用的人名,名词jack有“千斤顶”的意思,可以顶起汽车。所以,把“头顶上有汽车的人”(a man with a car on his head)戏称为Jack。


What do you call a man with no ears?

提示该怎么称呼没有耳朵的人(a man with no ears)呢?谜底倒是大实话:“叫他啥都行,因为他听不见”(anything you like,because he won’t hear you)。