
第9章 字母篇(4)

谜底:It sits on the tree and waits for a fall.

How does a vampire cross the ocean?

提示吸血鬼(vampire)怎样过海呢?vessel是“船”的意思,吸血鬼总得跟“血”有关系,那就乘blood vessel吧,只不过blood vessel的意思是“血管”!

谜底:In a blood vessel.

How does it feel to have eight arms?


谜底:Very handy.

How does the letter R help friendships?


谜底:Because without it,friends would become fiends.

How is a song like a locked door?

提示歌曲(song)和紧锁的门(closed door)有何相像之处呢?英语的多义词key的两个意义“调门”和“钥匙”把两样毫不相干的东西联系在一起了。

谜底:You need the right key for both.

How is an actor like a football player?

提示演员(actor)和足球运动员(football player)有何相像之处呢?英语的多义词play的两个意思“戏剧”和“踢球”是联系的纽带。

谜底:They both perform plays.

How is the electric light business?

提示短语off and on的意思是“断断续续地”,交流电果然也是off and on,但是电力照明行业(electric light business)经常停电就不是好事了。

谜底:Off and on.

How long can a eightday clock go without winding?

提示不上发条(without winding),无论能走几天的钟都走不了。

谜底:Not at all.

How long can a goose stand on one leg?

提示有谁见过大鹅“金鸡独立”(stand on one leg)吗?既然没见过,那么就试试看吧(try it and see)。

谜底:Try it and see.

How long should your legs be?

提示你的腿该有多长呢(how long should your legs be)?这是个莫名其妙的问题,至少得够得着地(long enough to reach the ground)才能走路。

谜底:Long enough to reach the ground.

How many calves’tails would it take to reach from the earth to the sky?

提示用几根牛尾才能从地面通到天上呢(how many calves’tails would it take to reach from the earth to the sky)?有一根长的尾巴就足够了(one,if it is long enough)。

谜底:One,if it is long enough.

How is the submarine business?

提示短语going under可以理解为“每况愈下”,也可以理解为“潜入水下”。潜水艇要潜入水下,但是潜水艇行业(submarine business)每况愈下就不是好事了。

谜底:Going under.

How many hardboiled eggs could the giant Goliath eat on an empty stomach?


谜底:One.After that his stomach would not be empty.

How many hairs are there in a rabbit’s tail?

提示兔子尾巴上有多少根毛(how many hairs are there in a rabbit’s tail)?如果把in理解为“在……的里面”,那么兔子尾巴里面当然不长毛,因为毛都长在外面。

谜底:None,they are all on the outside.

How many feet has a horse?

提示一匹马有四条腿(four feet),这个事实谁都知道。谜底里的forefeet(前腿)跟four feet同音,再加上两条后腿,就成了六条腿!

谜底:Six.Forefeet front and two behind.

How many feet are there in a yard?


谜底:It depends on how many people are standing in it.

How many days are there in a year?

提示一年有多少天(how many days are there in a year)?这是个常识性的问题。谜底偏偏转了一个弯,答案是七天,七天的名称里都有“day”。

谜底:Seven.Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.

How many lions can you put in an empty cage?


谜底:Only one——after that the cage is no longer empty.

How many men were born in 1900?


谜底:None,only the babies were.

How much earth is there in a hole three feet deep by six feet?



How much sand is there in a hole one metre long and one metre wide?


谜底:There is no sand in a hole.

How was the book on electricity?

提示讲电的书(the book on electricity)当然离不开shocking(电击)、current(电流)和light(光)。但是别忘了shocking current events是“令人震惊的时事”,light reading是“轻松的阅读”。

谜底:Full of shocking current events and light reading.

How was the lady’s new air conditioner?

提示leave somebody cold的字面意义是“使人感到冷”,比喻意义是“没有感觉”。空调机(air conditioner)能降温,出了毛病就不起作用,这位太太就“没有感觉”了。

谜底:It left her cold.

How was the snowman movie?

提示关于雪人(snowman)的电影能使人感到“冷”(cold)倒也成功了,但是left most people completely cold还有“完全没有打动大多数观众”的意思。

谜底:It left most people completely cold.

How would you divide thirteen apples evenly among twelve people?

提示把十三个苹果均匀地分给十二个人很难做到,除非是做成苹果酱(apple sauce)。

谜底:Make apple sauce.


If a flying saucer is an aircraft,what is a flying broomstick?

提示既然flying saucer(飞碟)是一种航空器(aircraft),那么女巫(witch)骑的flying broomstick(飞行的扫帚)也成了witchcraft(女巫飞行器)。但是witchcraft只有“巫术”一个解释。


If a horse and waggon come to $500,what will a load of wood come to?

提示短语come to的一个意思是“值,达到……”,另一个解释是“得到……的结果”。四轮马车(a horse and waggon)“值”500美元,一车木头最后烧成灰烬(ashes).


If a man happened to be up on a steeple 300feet high with a goose,and the ladder was taken away,how could he get down?

提示pluck the goose有“下雪”的意思,在教堂的尖顶上下不来,要么跟雪一起落下来。

谜底:Pluck the goose.

If a neighbour’s peacock laid an egg in your yard,whose egg would it be?


谜底:Nobody’s,peacocks don’t lay eggs,peahens do.

If a postmaster went to a circus and a lion ate him,what time would it be?

提示ate P.M.(吃掉邮政局长)与eight p.m.(晚上八点钟)的读音相同。

谜底:Ate P.M.

If astronomers measure far distance in light years,how do birds measure for distances?

提示天文学家(astronomers)以光年(light years)衡量距离。飞鸟(birds)以“飞行年”(flight years)衡量距离则是戏言,只不过light和flight发音相像而已。

谜底:In flight years.

If a dog loses his tail,where does he get another?


谜底:In a retail shop.

If babysitters get paid by the hour,how do florists get paid?


谜底:By the flower.

If crocodile skins make a good pair of shoes,what do banana skins make?

提示鳄鱼皮(crocodiles skins)可以制成皮鞋(shoes),香蕉皮(banana skins)不能制成拖鞋(slippers),却是“使人滑倒的东西”(slippers)!

谜底:Good slippers.

If horses wear horseshoes,what do camels wear?

提示既然马可以钉马掌(horseshoes),那么骆驼生活在沙漠里也该穿desert boots了,只不过desert boots是人穿的“沙漠靴”!

谜底:Desert boots.

If kids get a“thank you”from their parents when they do something right,what do they get when they do something wrong?

提示thank you(谢谢你)和spank you(打你屁股)的读音接近,很少有人注意到这个事实。

谜底:A “spank you”.

If my peacock lays an egg in your yard,who owns the egg?


谜底:peahens lay eggs.

If soldiers mark time with their feet,what does the same with its hands?

提示手表(a watch)以指针(hands)计时。

谜底:A watch.

If the English alphabet goes from A to Z,what goes from Z to A?


谜底:A zebra.

If the Governor of Massachusetts threw a stone at the Governor of Rhode Island,and it missed him and fell in Narragansett Bay,what would it become?



If the winner of a contest gets first prize,what does the loser get?

提示如果first prize是“头奖”的话,那么worst prize就是“最差奖”。

谜底:Worst prize.

If two is company and three a crowd,what are four and five?