

Author.-He n r y La w s o n (1867-1922), perhaps the best known Australian writer, was born in New South Wales. He worked with his father, who was a farmer and contractor, and he afterwards roamed from town to town, as a house-painter, often on foot, over many parts ofAustralia. Among his prose works are While the Billy Boils, On the Track and Over the Sliprails (short sketches), Joe Wilson and His Mates, The Children of the Bush : among his poems, In the Days When the World Was Wide, When I was King, For Australia, My Army, Oh, My Army, and Faces in the Street, are perhaps the best known.

Then gently scan your brother man, Still gentler sister woman;Though they may gang a kennin wrang, To step aside is human;One point must still be greatly dark,- The moving Why they do it;And just as lamely can ye mark, How far, perhaps, they rue it.
