


Bobby and Mary were picking buttercups in the paddock by the river.

All at once, a very bright light flashed into their eyes.

"Oh, what was that, Bobby ?" asked Mary.

Then, from a long way off, came a low, growling noise.

"That sounds like the lion we heard at the Zoo," said Bob. "What can it be?""It sounds like rocks rolling down a hill," said Mary; "come, let us run to mother."Off they started.

Brighter flashed the light, louder came the growling.

Bob and Mary began to cry, but they did not

stop running until they reached the kitchen door.

There was Mother, smiling, "Why, you are not afraid of the Thunder- man, are you?" she said.

"Dear me! Hark, he is beating his big drum! See, his armies are marching across the sky. There come his little Rain-men. Shut the door, and we shall watch them from the window.

Bobby got out his toy drum, and Mary and he played "Thunder-man" until the rain was over.

They marched and sang,

"Let him drum as loud as he can --

I"m not afraid of the Thunder-man."