
第24章 嫩豌豆

1.Let us go to a seed-shop and buy a few garden peas.Here they are,looking like a handful of little grey balls.We will soak a few of them in water,and place them in a saucer on a piece of wet flannel,with another piece over them.

2.The peas will soon begin to grow.They will swell,and split their skins;and then we shall see their two seed-leaves.

Besides these leaves,each young pea has a little stem and a tinySEED-LEAVES(子叶)root.But after the babypeas have put forth one or two green leaves,they will wither and die.


3.It is different with the peas we sow in the garden or in a flower-pot.In about two weeks their green leaves will come peeping up through the soil,and they will grow up into tall plants.We must then push long sticks into the ground for them to climb up.


4.Do you know how it is that the pea-plant can climb?At the ends of its branches it has a great many green threads,which twist round the sticks,and help the plant to hold on to them.

5.By the time summer has come,the pea-plants will be as high as the sticks you set up,and they will be covered with pretty white blossoms.The blossoms soon drop off,and we see long green pods in their place.These pods are picked when they are large and full.The peas are taken out,and boiled for us to eat.

6.Let us look at the curious flower of the pea-plant.It has a little green outer cup,with fivepoints or teeth,Next come five pretty white leaves,of which one is much larger than the others,and stands up boldly.There arePEA-FLOWER(豌豆花)LEAVES OF PEA-FLOWER(豌豆花的花瓣)two small white side leaves,and two other leaves lower down,which are shaped like a tiny boat.The whole flower looks very much like a butterfly.

7.Inside the white leaves are ten yellow dust-spikes.Nine of them are joined together except at their tips,and in the very middle of them is the young pod with its tiny seeds.

8.Do you know any other plants that have flowers and pods like thepea?Yes;there is the bean.Then DUST-SPIKES雄蕊(规范名称是Stamen)the pretty tree called the golden-drop,whose flowers you see in May and June,belongs to the same family of plants as the pea;but its seeds contain a kind of poison,and they will hurt you very much and perhaps kill you if you eat them.If youlook at the yellow flowers of the pricklyGOLDEN-DROP(金链花)plant called the gorse or whin,you will see that they,too,are shaped very much like the flowers of the pea.The heads of red and white clover,which you may see among grass,are also made up of small flowers of the same kind.



Green peas are sown from seed.They grow into tall climbing plants,with pretty white blossoms,which look like butterflies.Each blossom is made up of five leaves,in the centre of which is the young pod with its tiny seeds.The blossoms soon drop off,and the green pods come in their place.When large and full,the pods are picked,and the peas are taken out.The bean and other plants have flowers like those of the pea.









④“金链花”的原文golden drop似乎是旧时或不规范的英语名。准确的英语名是golden chain tree.中文名金链花或毒豆,是一种典型的豆科植物,也是观赏植物。至于其他的两种植物,金雀花属于“豆科”“锦鸡儿属”,三叶草属于“豆科”“三叶草属”,也都是豌豆的近亲。