
第32章 一块软木

1.Corks are so cheap and so common,that every child who reads thislesson can get a cork to handle and to look at.Let us try with a pen-holder to keep a cork down at thebottom of a glass of water.It is veryhard to do this;for the cork is very muchlighter than its bulk①of water,and so it is always trying to rise to the top.

2.Men who go out in life-boats②wear canvas③belts filled withpieces of cork.If the boat should be upset,the cork is so light that it would help the men to float④,and save them from drowning.

3.Squeeze a cork between your fingers.You can easily compress it,or make it smaller.But when you take your fingers away,the cork springs out to its old size and shape.Things that do this are called elastic.


②Life-boat,a boat made for the purpose of saving the lives of shipwrecked persons at sea.

③Canvas,a coarse linen cloth.

④Float,rest or move on the surface of the water.

LIFE-BOAT MEN(100年前的救生员)

4.Because cork is elastic,it makes good stoppers for bottles.The cork ought to be just a little larger than the neck of the bottle.We force the cork into the neck of the bottle,and it presses against the sides of it,and fits it exactly.

5.But what is cork?Cork is the outer bark①of a kind of oak-tree,which grows in the south of Europe.It is an evergreen oak-that is,it is always covered with green leaves.It grows to a height of thirty or forty feet.

STRIPPING THE CORK-TREE(给栓皮栎树剥皮)6.The bark of the cork-tree is first stripped off its trunk②when the tree is about thirty years old.This bark is very rough and full of cracks.It is called virgin cork,and it is used to decorate③green-houses and flowerboxes.

7.The bark soon grows again on the tree;and after ten years it is stripped off again.This time it is of a rather better quality.④After this,the bark is taken off every eight or ten years.The bestcork is got from trees that are about fifty years old.

8.The cork is taken from the tree in large sheets,or planks,as they are called.These are scraped well,and are slightly burnt in①Bark,the skin or covering of a tree.

②Trunk,stem;the thick part of a

③Decorate,make beautiful.[tree.


order to close the pores①or tiny holes,and to kill any insects that may be in them.

9.The planks are then flattened out under heavy stones,after which they are boiled,and dried in the sun.In this state the sheets of cork are sent to our country;and here they are cut up with sharp knives into any shape that may be wanted.

10.Other trees would be killed if we were to strip off their bark,but the cork oak-tree seems to grow all the better for it.If its bark is not taken off,the tree dies when it is about sixty yearsof age;but trees that have been regularly②stripped live to the ageof about one hundred and fifty years.


Cork is the outer bark of a kind of evergreen oak-tree which grows to a height of thirty or forty feet.The bark is taken off the tree in sheets or planks every eight or ten years.The planks are slightly charred,then flattened out,boiled,and dried in the sun.The sheets are then sent to this country.Cork is very light,and floats well in water,and it is therefore used for belts by men who go out in life-boats.It is also very elastic,and makes good stoppers for bottles.



2.救生艇上的救生员,都穿着一种帆布带子,里面盛满了软木块儿。要是船万一翻了,软木非常轻,可以让人浮起来,不让人淹死。①①Pores,very small openings.

②Regularly,at certain intervals or times.






②这种树的学名是“栓皮栎树”也叫“软木栎树”,英语名字叫cork tree,属于“被子植物门”、“双子叶植物纲”、“壳()斗目”、“壳斗科”,是现存最古老的树之一,已经在地球上生长6000万年了。除了南欧之外,在中国的长江、黄河、珠江流域也都有分布。


