1.When I was a little boy,pennies,and halfpennies,and farthings were made of pure copper.But copper is too soft a metal to stand the rubbing which coins get.So these old pennies soon became so smooth that one could not tell “head”from “tail,”or indeed see any letters on the pennies at all.
2.By mixing with the copper a little of each of the two other metals known as zinc and tin,we get an alloy called bronze.Any mixture of two or more metals is named an alloy.Bronze is much harder than the copper alone,or the zinc alone,or the tin alone.
3.The melted bronze is poured into moulds①,and is thus castinto bars about a foot long.Next,each of these bars is rolled out between steel rollers,and made into a sheet of metal of the thickness of a penny.
4.A machine then cuts the sheet of bronze into round pieces,called blanks,each being just the size of a penny.Then each blank has its edge thickened by another machine.The thickened edge keeps the letters on the coin from being worn off.
5.But now the letters and the figures must be put on.This is①Mould,a hollow shape.
done by placing the blank in a steel case,or die,on which are carved all the marks that you see on one side of a penny.
6.On another steel die are carved all the marks for the other side of the penny,and the blank is squeezed between the two dies with great force.Bronze is much softer than steel,so the marks on the dies are stamped on each side of the penny.
7.Did you ever look carefully at a penny?On one side is the head of our queen,with her name,“Victoria.”Theother words on this side are in Latin①,and they tell that Victoria is “Queen of Britain,by the grace②of God”.
8.On the other side is the figure③
o f a woman,named Britannia.Britannia just means our own country,Britain.Her right hand rests on a shield④,on which you see the cross that call the “Union Jack”.On her head is a helmet⑤;and in her left hand is a three-pointed spear,which means that she rules over the sea.
9.In front of Britannia a ship is seen,and behind her a light-house⑥.
Above are the words “ONE PENNY,”and below is a date showing the year in which the penny was made.
①Latin,the language of ancient Rome,now the capital of Italy,a country of Europe.
④Shield,a frame covered with skin or metal,to keep off blows.
⑤Helmet,a metal head-covering.
⑥Lighthouse,a high building with lights at the top to warn ships off rocks.
A penny is made of bronze,which is an alloy of copper mixed with a little zinc and tin.The melted bronze is cast into bars,which are rolled out into sheets of the same thickness as a penny.A machine then cuts the sheets into blanks of the size of a penny.The edges are then thickened,after which the blanks are stamped between two steel dies.
6.在另外一个钢制模具上,刻着硬币另一边的所有图案。把坯饼放在模子中间,用很大的力量挤压。青铜比钢要软得多,所以模具上的图案就印在了硬币的两边。④7.小朋友,你仔细看过1便士的硬币吗?一边是英国的女王头像,还有她的名字“维多利亚”。其他文字是拉丁语,告诉我们,维多利亚是“蒙上帝恩惠的不列颠女王”。⑤8.硬币的另一面是一个女人的雕像,名字叫“不列颠尼亚”,这是我们的国家“大不列颠”的拉丁语名字。她的右手放在一面盾牌上,盾牌上有一个十字,我们把这个十字叫做“米字旗”(Union Jack)。女人头上戴着一个头盔,左手握着一把三叉戟,意思是,她是海上的统治者。
④这力量是从哪里来的呢?就是从我们在第35课里学过的蒸汽机!1788年,瓦特的朋友,英国人马修·博尔顿(Matthew Boulton)建立了“索霍造币厂”
(Soho Mint),这是世界上第一家用瓦特蒸汽机铸币的工厂。
⑤维多利亚女王(Alexandrina Victoria,1819-1901)是英国历史上在位时间最长的君主,长达64年。这本书出版的时候,她已经去世了。