
第4章 木杆铅笔



1.Have you a lead-pencil?If not,I want you to get a loan of one,and to look at it very carefully.It is made of wood-most likely of cedar wood,for the wood of the cedar tree is much used for making pencils.

2.Do you see the name of the maker in bright letters on the side of the pencil?You may see,too,the letters H for hard,B for black,or HB for both hard and black,which are stamped on the pencil.From these marks you know what kind of pencil it is.

3.The pencil is a round piece of wood,is it not?At each end of the pencil you can see a small square of black-lead.Now,how did the black-lead get there?Did it grow inside the wood?

4.Look very carefully at the ends of the pencil.Ah,you see!it is made of two strips of wood,which were glued together after the black-lead was put in.

5.Try to pull your pencil to pieces.If you put it in water for a while,the glue will become soft,and the two pieces of wood will come apart.

6.Then you will see that a neat little hollow was made in one of the pieces,and that a little strip of black-lead-of just the right size-was put into it.The other piece of wood was then glued over it,and the pencil was made round and smooth.

7.When you rub the point on a piece of paper,little bits of black-lead stick to the paper and make black marks.In this way the black-lead pencil is very useful for writing or drawing.

8.Before you use your lead-pencil,you must sharpen one end of it with a knife.The wood will not make a black mark,so it must be cut away.Then the black-lead is left sticking out by itself to make black marks on the paper.


A lead-pencil is made by putting a strip of black-lead into a hollow between two pieces of wood.The two pieces of wood are then glued together.On the side of the pencil the maker’s name is printed,and the letters H for hard,B for black,or H B for both hard and black,show what kind of pencil it is.


1.小朋友,你有木杆铅笔吗?要是没有,就借一支来,好好看看吧。木杆铅笔的木头,大部分都是杉木,也叫雪松木,因为英国的杉木很多都用来做铅笔了。①2.看见了吗?铅笔的侧面,用闪闪发亮的字,印着制造商的名字。你可能也看见了,字母H代表英语的Hard(硬),字母B代表英语的Black(黑),HB 就代表又硬又黑。从刻上去的这些字母,就可以知道这支铅笔是什么类型的。②3.铅笔是一根圆形的木杆,两头都可以看见里面铅笔芯的小方块③。那么铅笔芯是怎么进去的呢?难道是在木头里长出来的吗?








1789年,法国大革命爆发,因为外国的禁运,法国石墨严重短缺。为了节省材料,法国化学家尼古拉·孔德(Nicholas Jacques Cont ,也翻译成康蒂)发明了石墨和粘土混合的铅笔芯。之后木杆铅笔又经过很多人的改进,才成了今天这个样子。现在,全世界每年仍然生产140亿支以上的木杆铅笔。

⑤我们从小就很熟悉的自动铅笔,克服了这个问题,不再需要削铅笔了。自动铅笔在英式英语里叫做“推进式铅笔”(propelling pencil),美式英语是“机械铅笔”(mechanical pencil)。1822年,英国人桑普森·莫丹(Sampson Mordan)和约翰·艾萨克·哈金斯(John Isaac Hawkins)获得了第一项自动铅笔的专利,但直到19世纪末20世纪初的时候才开始大规模推广。1915年,日本的早川德次(Hayakawa Tokuji)发明了一种改进型的自动铅笔,命名为“永远锋利的铅笔”

(Ever-Sharp Pencil),后来的“夏普”(Sharp)公司的名字就是这么来的。