
第51章 只是一块石头


1.What is the oldest thing you have seen?One boy thinks it is a church,for he has seen a date on one which tells that it was built hundreds of years ago.

2.A girl thinks that an oak-tree which she has seen is older still,for her grandfather says he has read that it was growing a thousand years ago.

3.But what is that hard lump which Tommy has in his pocket?It is a stone which he picked up,because it had a curious look.

4.Well,it does not matter much about the curious look,but any common stone you find is almost certain to be the oldest thing you will ever see.The age of most stones goes back many thousands of years.

5.The stone which Tommy has found is called sandstone.It is made of little round grains of sand.Thousands and thousands of years ago these little grains of sand were lying loose on some sea-beach.Since then they have been pressed together so hard and for so long a time that they now form a sandstone rock.

6.But these grains of sand were themselves only broken bits of a still older rock.They must be many thousands of years older than the stone which has been formed out of them.

7.If we break up a great many lumps of sandstone,we shall be almost sure to find in some of them the shells of creatures that lived on the old sea-beach.Such old shells found in the rocks are called fossils.

8.Another kind of rock in which many fossils are found is called limestone.A drop of acid or of strongvinegar①will tell you whether a stoneis limestone or not.



9.As soon as the acid touches the limestone,it begins to fizz and to bubble.The acid causes a little of the limestone to dissolve,and a gas is formed,which escapes in small bubbles.

10.Clay is also a rock;and when it has been pressed a great deal,it is called shale.Shale splits very easily.

11.Some stones are made up of a great many little bits with flat shining sides and sharp corners,called crystals.Granite②is a rock of this kind.Such stones were long ago heated inside theearth till they melted,and then,as they cooled,the crystals were formed.

①Vinegar,a sour liquid got from wine,beer,etc.,used as a relish for food.

②Granite,a hard rock of a grey or reddish colour made up of grains of various substances.

12.Granite is a very pretty rock.Pillars made of polished①granite are often used in public buildings.No fossils are ever found in granite.If there ever were any in it,they were destroyed when the rock was melted.

13.There are great granite quarries②in Cornwall③and inScotland.A soft white limestone forms the chalk hills of the south-east and the east of England;and a hard limestone forms many of the hills in the north of England.


Sandstone is made up of little round grains of sand which,thousands of years ago,were lying loose on some sea-beach.These grains of sand were themselves broken bits of a still older rock.Shells called fossils are sometimes found in lumps of sandstone,and more commonly in limestone.Shale is a kind of rock that has been formed from clay.Granite is made up of a great number of little bits with sharp corners,called crystals.





4.奇怪的样子倒没有什么关系,但是,你找到的任何平常的石头,几乎都肯定是你能见到的最古老的东西。大多数石头的年纪都有成千上万岁了。①①Polished,made smooth and glossy by rubbing.

②Quarries,places where stones are dug or cut.

③Cornwall,a county in the southwest of England.









①“成千上万”(many thousands of years)这句话太保守了。地球的年龄一般认为是46亿岁。最早的石头,从地球形成的初期,就没有被熔化和侵蚀过,可想而知,这种石头只有极少数暴露在地表。1999年的纪录是在加拿大西北部发现的艾加斯塔片麻岩(Acasta Gneiss),年龄大约40.31亿年,近年来又有报告说在加拿大北部发现了大约有38-42.8亿年的角闪岩(amphibolite)和辉绿岩(diabase)。有意思的是,1971年,美国的阿波罗15号探测器从月球带回来的“起源石”(The Genesis Rock),已经有44.6亿年的历史了,比地球上发现的还要古老。


