
第70章 风信子

1.The wild hyacinth is one of the most beautiful of the flowers of spring-time,and it is also one of the most abundant①.In April,May,and June,we may find its flowers in many parts of the woods in such numbers that at a distance they look like wreaths②of blue smoke resting upon the ground.

2.The flowers have a rich,sweet perfume③,and wecan often tell by the scent alone that we are coming near a bed of hyacinths.

3.Let us dig up a wild hyacinth,bulb,roots,and all,so that we may have the entire plant to examine.The roots are slender④and thread-like.They growout of a bulb about an inch in thickness.This bulb,like the bulb of the onion,is made of many thick and fleshy leaves.



4.Several narrow leaves grow up from the bulb to the height①Abundant,plentiful.



④Slender,very thin.

of about a foot.From the centre of the bulb rises the flower-stem,which carries near its top from six to twelve small blue flowers.Sometimes,but not often,we find the wild hyacinth bearing white flowers,and sometimes purple flowers.

5.Each flower looks like a little bell,and for this reason the children in England often call the wild hyacinth the “blue-bell.”But in Scotland and some other places the name “blue-bell”is given to the hare-bell,a very different plant.

6.Each hyacinth flower has a little stalk of its own,by which it hangs from the main①stem.The outside of the flower consists of six separate deep-blue leaves or petals,which turn back at theirtips.Looking inside the bell formed by these blue leaves,we findsix dust-spikes or stamens,one growing upon each petal.

7.In the centre of the flower is the green seed-vessel;and if we cut this across,we shall find that it is divided into three parts,each of which contains several young seeds.

8.After the flowers have been open for a few days,the seed-vessels swell and become hard.The rest of the flower then withers away.The seed-vessel turns brown as it ripens,and in autumn it splits open and scatters its little black seeds on theground.These seeds then take root,and produce②new hyacinthplants.

9.What is the use of its bulb to the hyacinth?The bulb is a kind of store-house③,in which the plant lays up food during the summer,so that it may be able to grow quickly,and to flower early in the next spring.As the leaves and flowers grow,they use up all the food contained in the bulb,and it slowly wastes away.

10.But after the flowers have ripened and formed their seeds,the plant sets to work to make a new bulb,either above or on①Main,chief;most important.


③Store-house,a house in which things are stored or kept for use.



one side of the old one.Thus the same hyacinth plant grows on in the ground year after year,forming a new bulb every year.

11.Did you ever buy hyacinth bulbs to grow in pots or glasses,or in your garden?Such hyacinths aresomewhat different from the wild ones.Their six petals are joined together,except at the tips.The flowers are crowded more closely together on the flower-stalk than they are in the wild hyacinth,and are of more varied①colours.I hope that you will one day tryto grow a hyacinth in a glass of water.


The hyacinth grows from a bulb composed of thick and fleshy leaves.It is a spring flower,and has a very sweet perfume.The flower-stem carries from six to twelve small blue,bell-like flowers.The seed-vessel is divided into three parts.The bulb acts as a store-house for food.As the flower grows the bulb wastes away.When the flowers have ripened,a new bulb begins to form.The flowers of the hyacinths grown in pots or glasses are more crowded and are of more varied colours than the wild ones.















