
第75章 玻璃窗(1)

1.If you had lived in Britain a thousand years ago,you might have seen panes of glass in the churches,but you would have found very few glass windows in the houses of the people.The windows in those days were generally narrow open slits in the wall,though sometimes they were filled up with thin pieces of horn,or with thin skin.

2.What a difference glass windows have made in the brightness and comfort of our homes !The glass is so transparent that it lets the light from the sun pass through it,and yet it keeps out both the rain and the wind.

3.Glass is so hard that you cannot cut it or even scratch it with a common steel knife.The beautiful gem called the diamond is,however,even harder than glass;and glaziers①use small diamondsset in a handle to cut glass to the size that they want.Little wheels of extremely hard steel are also used for cutting glass,and this they do fairly well,though not nearly so well as diamonds.

4.If you hold a pane of thin glass under water,you will find that you can cut it with a pair of scissors.But you must cut near①Glaziers,men who put glass in windows.

the edge of the glass,and take off only a little bit at a time.Like many other hard substances,glass is very brittle-that is,it will snap easily if we try to bend it,or if we let it fall.

5.Glass is made chiefly of fine white sand or silica melted in a furnace.To make the sand melt easily,we must mix with it some soda,some chalk or lime,and a small quantity of broken glass.

GLASS-MELTING POTS AND FURNACE(玻璃坩埚及熔炉)6.Have you ever seen a glass-house,or a building in which glass is made ?It is generally built of bricks,in the shape of a large cone①.The mixture of sand andsoda is put into large melting-pots,and these are placed in the furnace or fierce fire which burns in the centre of the glass-house.

7.Soon the mixture melts and forms a white-hot liquid.To make plate-glass②,this liquid is pouredupon an iron table,and then rolled out just like dough with iron rollers.The hot sheet of glass is then placed in①Cone,a figure with a round base or bottom tapering to the top,like a sugar-loaf.

②Plate-glass,a fine kind of glass,cast in plates,used for looking-glasses,etc.

a room,where it cools very slowly indeed.This is called annealing:If the glass were cooled quickly,it would be too brittle to use.

8.Cheaper and thinner kinds of window-glass are made by blowing.The glass-blower dips a long iron tube or blow-pipe into the melted glass,taking up a little of it on the end of the tube.He then blows this out like a huge soap-bubble,and as it begins to cool he rolls the glass -bubble on a smooth table until it becomesa cylinder①.This cylinder is afterwards cut open with a diamond,and is spread out into a flat sheet after it has again been softenedby heat.


Glass is made by mixing fine white sand with soda,lime,and broken glass.The mixture is melted in a very hot furnace in the glass-house and poured upon iron tables,rolled with iron rollers,and then left to anneal or cool.The glass thus formed is plate-glass.Cheaper window-glass is made by blowing the melted glass,and rolling it till it becomes a cylinder.This is then cut①Cylinder,a body shaped like a roller.

open and spread out into a flat sheet.Glass is transparent,and lets in light while it keeps out both wind and rain.Glass is very hard and very brittle.It is generally cut by a diamond or a small wheel of very hard steel.











①有一个流传很广的说法”凝固的玻璃也会流动“,证据是老房子上的玻璃,有的下面比上面厚。这其实是一种误解,玻璃的主要成分二氧化硅是一种岩石,凝固之后就不会变形了。想让它在重力作用下发生明显变形,需要至少上千万年的时间。老房子装的玻璃,因为加工工艺的原因,薄厚经常不均匀;而装到窗户上的时候,工人为了装得稳当,肯定会把厚的一边装在下面,于是就催生出了这种错误的说法,甚至还被俄国的雅科夫·别莱利曼(Yakov Perelman)等著名的科普作家写进了书中。





1.All through the summer,and during spring and autumn as well,our meadows and waste places are thickly dotted with the bright-yellow flowers of the common weed called the dandelion.And even throughout the winter the leaves of this hardy①plant remain green.Let us dig up a dandelion,root and all,and examine it;for though it is only a weed,we can learn from it many things about the life of plants.

2.The root is long,thick,and tapering②,and it has many small fibres or rootlets growing from its sides and from the end.The root of a plant,as you already know,fixes the plant in the ground,and its fibres suck in food for the plantROOT(根)out of the soil.But the root of the dandelion does more than this:it stores up in its thick part much food for the use of the plant,to help it in producing its flowers and seeds.

3.The dandelion has no long stem or trunk,but from the top of the root a number of green leaves spread out and form a①Hardy,strong;able to bear all kinds of weather.