3.Let us get one of those white downy balls and see whether we can find out the cause of this change.Pull off one of the white plumes②,and you will find a little round seed-vessel at the end of①Down,the small feathery hairs on the seeds of some plants;the fine soft feathers of a bird.
②Plumes,small feathery hairs.
it.This long white plume has grown from the white hairy calyx which we found outside each tiny yellow flower.The yellow parts have all fallen off,for the seed-vessel had no more need of them.
4.The first puff of wind that comes breaks off the ripe seed-vessels and their white plumes,and away they go sailingover the fields and the hedges.Did you ever help the dandelion to spread its seeds,by blowing on the ripe head “to see what o’clock it is”?Children sometimes call these white dandelion heads “clocks,”and try how many puffs of their breath it takes to blow off all the down.If it takes four puffs,they say it is “four o‘clock.”
5.It is a great advantage①to the dandelion flowersSEED-VESSELAND PLUME(种皮与绒毛)to have seeds that are easily blown about by the wind;for if all the seeds fell on the ground close to the parent plant②,the young plants as they grew would soon choke one another.
6.Did you ever look for dandelions on a cold wet day?It is not easy to see them then,for their pretty golden crowns have all vanished③.The two outer circles of green leaves have closedround them,so that each head looks like a big green bud that has not yet opened.In this way the little yellow flowers that form the head are kept safe and warm till finer weather comes.
7.It is not only in rainy weather that the gay dandelions wrap themselves up in their green mantles④.Every evening,when the sun is setting and the air becomes chill,they close themselves up,or go to sleep,as we say.
8.When pulling a dandelion to pieces,you must have noticed①Advantage,gain.
②Parent plant,the plant from which the seed comes.
③Vanished,gone out of sight;disappeared.
④Mantles,coverings;loose cloaks.
the milky juice that runs out of every part of the plant.This juice is very sticky,and it has a bitter taste.It is useful to the plant to have such a bitter juice;many animals do not like the taste of it,and so the plant is not eaten up by sheep or cows or horses.
9.Is the dandelion of any use?Yes:some people dry the roots,and then roast them and grind them into a brown powder,from which they make a drink somewhat like coffee.A medicine①is also prepared from the roots.The young leaves of the dandelion may be eaten as a salad②;and they will serve as food for silkworms instead of mulberry leaves.Boys who keep tamerabbits often gather dandelion leaves for them,and the rabbits like very much to eat them.
When the dandelion seeds are formed,the yellow flower-head closes up while they ripen.When it opens,it seems a round white ball of down.Each little seed-vessel has a long white plume,which has grown from the white hairy calyx.The seed-vessels are easily broken off by the wind and carried to other places,where they take root.In cold or wet weather and at night the dandelion closes up for greater warmth.It has a bitter juice.A medicine is prepared from the roots of the dandelion.The young leaves are used to feed silkworms and rabbits.
①Medicine,anything used for healing or soothing pain.
②Salad,a dish made of raw vegetables,with oil,vinegar,etc.