
第95章 云和雨

1.Each of us drinks about three pints of fresh water every day,and we use a great deal of water for washing,for cooking,and for other purposes①.Where does all this water come from?In some places we get water from wells,and in other places from rivers or lakes.But from whatever source②we get the water,it is quite certain that at one time or another it must have fallen from the clouds as drops of rain.

2.Have you ever been in a cloud?Perhaps you have climbed to the top of a high hill,and have seen a white cloud come scurrying③towards you,till it has covered the hill-top and everything above,below,and around you.The cloud was no longer white,but of a dull grey colour,like the mist④which we see on a foggy⑤morning.Indeed a fog is simply a cloud resting on the ground.

3.But what are the clouds made of?They are just like the clouds of white steam,as we call it,that you see rising from a boiling kettle.The white steam and the clouds are both com-①Purposes,uses.

②Source,origin;beginning;the place where anything rises or begins.

③Scurrying,hurrying;moving rapidly.

④Mist,fog;visible moisture in the air.


posed of extremely small specks of water,so small that they have been called water-dust.When a number of these water-specks join together,they form a drop of rain,and then the weight of this rain-drop makes it come pattering quickly to the earth.

4.How did all this water which forms the clouds and the rain get into the air?It was evaporated by the heat of the sun from the surface of the oceans and seas,and rivers and lakes.Three-quarters of the surface of the great globe on which we live is covered with water.Every day the sun’s rays change thousands of tons of liquid water into water-vapour;and this water-vapour mingles with the air,and is carried along by the wind.While it remains in the form of vapour,however,we cannot see it,because it is quite colourless and transparent.

5.The air near the surface of the earth is warmer than that which is higher up,so when the water-vapour rises very high above the ground,it is cooled.We have learned that when water-vapouris cooled it is condensed.So the water-vapour is first changed into those very tiny specks of liquid water which have been called water-dust,and appears as clouds;and then these specks of water join together to form drops of rain.

6.You must at one time or another have tasted dropsof rain as they blew against your face,and so you know that therain-water is fresh water.But the water of the sea,from which that rain-water came,is quite salt.How is it that rain-drops of fresh water can come from the salt sea?


7.In last lesson you were told that salt water can be made fresh by distilling it.Now rainwater is really distilled water.If you boil salt water in a small saucepan until the water has all passed away as steam,the salt that was dissolved in it will all be left behind as a white crust on the bottom of the saucepan.In exactly the same way the heat of the sun turns the water of the sea into vapour,but not the salt that is dissolved in it.So when this vapour is changed back into water again,it forms pure fresh water.


All the water of wells,rivers,and lakes falls from the clouds in drops of rain.Clouds,like steam,are formed of extremely small specks of water,which join together to form rain-drops.A fog is a cloud resting on the ground.The water-vapour which forms the clouds has been evaporated by the heat of the sun from the large surfaces of water on the face of the globe.When this water-vapour rises into the higher and colder air it becomes visible as white clouds.The water-specks unite to form a rain-drop.Rain is fresh water distilled from the salt water of the sea.













(acid rain),是环境污染的重要来源。