
第66章 谁统治我们(2)













Who We Are

1.Americans Not of One Race.Much is said by some people about “Americans,”and Americans are quite right in being proud of their country.But,for all that,it is just as well for us not to look down on the people of other countries.The fact is that the white people of our republic all of them either were born in Europe or are the descendants of those who came from Europe not so very many years ago.

2.English.The first European people who came to America,north of Florida,were English.They settled in Virginia in 1607,less than three hundred years ago.

3.But,in truth,not very many of us are descended from these early settlers.Other English people came to America throughout the seventeenth century and the eighteenth,and they have kept coming in the nineteenth.So quite a number of us are English in blood,as the national language of all of us is English.But how long we and our fathers and grandfathers have been living in this country is another question.And some of us really do not know when our first ancestors came from the old country to America,nor do we know what kind of people they were,or whether we could be proud of them or not,even if we did know.In many cases all we can be quite sure of is that some time in the last three centuries our first American ancestor did come here from Europe,and here made his home and that of his children.Perhaps he was English;perhaps he was Scotch,or Welsh,or Irish.Many of those British peoples have emigrated to America all through our history,and many of them are coming over in our time.

4.Dutch.Then,it was not British people only who settled the first European colonies along the Atlantic.The first settlers of New York were Dutch,from Holland.After the English seized the colony the Dutch name “New Amsterdam”was changed to the English one whichTHE FIRST ENGLISH SETTLERS LANDING IN VIRGINIA,1607The first permanent English settlement in the new world was at Jamestown,on the James River,Virginia.The river and the settlement were both named from James the First,who was then king of England.

we know.But the Dutch colonists continued to live there,under the English flag,and today their descendants are yet found in the city and state of New York and elsewhere in the republic.Dutch names,such as Stuyvesant,Van Cortlandt,Van Rensselaer,Bogart,Van Dusen,Suydam,are yet common in some parts of New York.

5.Swedes.In Delaware the earliest settlers were Swedes.But there were not many of them,and their colony was taken away by the Dutch,and was seized by the English when they took New Amsterdam.There are many Swedish people now living in the United States,but they or their ancestors have mostly come here recently.

6.Germans.In Pennsylvania many Germans settled at a very early period,and their descendants live there to this day.“Pennsylvania Dutch”they were commonly called by their English neighbors in New York and New England,but,in fact,they were not Dutch at all,butGermans.“Dutch”people come from Holland,not from Germany.Butvery many Germans have settled among us within the present century.

7.French.There were many French emigrants who came to South Carolina,and some to New York,nearly two hundred years ago.They were driven out of their own country by the tyranny of a foolish king.But they were very excellent people,and they made good American citizens.And the first settlers in Louisiana and Michigan were French.


The Dutch village at the lower end of Manhattan Island,which has grown into the greatcity of New York.

8.Americans.In our times the descendants of all these European settlers,whether British,or Dutch,or Germans,or French,or Swedes,are simply Americans .They are all pretty much alike,using the same language,having the same sorts of ideas,loving the republic and its flag,and proud of being American citizens.