
第124章 ARCHITECTURE建筑(47)

















“WHY,a six-year-old child could paint a better picture than that!”said the man.

“At least it has plenty of bright colors,”said the woman.“Look at all that yellow and orange.I like it.Perhaps it’s supposed to be a sunset.”

“It looks more like a fried egg to me,”the man said.

The man and woman were in an art museum.They were standing before a painting that really didn’t look much like either a sunset or a fried egg.It was all made of yellow and orange paints except for a small dark blue square near one corner.As they moved on to the next painting,the man shook his head.“Modern art is too much for me,”he said.“I just don’t understand it.”

Many people are puzzled by paintings that are not pictures of objects.Such paintings are called non-objective paintings.Non-objective paintings are not supposed to look like sunsets or fried eggs or people or houses or any other objects.

Have you ever tried to find pictures of objects in the clouds?Did you ever see a cloud that looked like a lion?Many times one can see clouds that look like a landscape with hills and valleys and harbors and islands.But seeing objects in the clouds doesn’t make the clouds more beautiful.The clouds are beautiful whether or not we can use our imagination to see pictures in them.

Non-objective paintings can be beautiful also.They don’t have to look like some object that we can recognize.You can enjoy them more if you don’t puzzle your head over what objects they are supposed to look like.Just remember they are not supposed to look like anything—except a non-objective painting.

Artists who paint non-objective paintings sometimes say,“A camera can make a picture of an object.A photograph will look like the real object.It will have realism.Why should a painter always try to make a picture look realistic?Why should a painter try to do something that a photographer can do with a click of the camera’s shutter?”

How can a person tell whether a non-objective painting is a good painting or a poor one?Why is one building beautiful and another ugly?Why does a moose look clumsy and a deer look graceful?

No.89-1SCHRZO(#86)(《诙谐曲·作品86号》)RAUER(鲍尔作)Courtesy of the Museum of Non-Objective Painting,New YorkBoys and girls who try making non-objective pictures themselves usually find they are fun to make.If you try one you may find it easier to use wax crayons instead of paints.Put the colors on strong and thick.Don’t use a pencil,just the crayons.Don’t just scribble;make different shapes.

When you show your non-objective picture to other people,they’ll probably say,“What is it supposed to be?”

And you can answer,“Why,it’s not supposed to be anything.It’s a non-objective picture.”Of course,most artists still paint pictures of objects.All modern paintings aren’t non-objective.

There are many modern paintings of objects,however,that are just as puzzling to some people as non-objective paintings.That’s because some people think a painting should show objects just the way they look to your eye or to a camera.They think the objects in these paintings should look real;that they should be realistic.

But a painter may not want to paint objects realistically.He may want to get into the picture some of the feeling he himself has about the object.He may want to use his imagination about the object.