

The topmost room was for the king’s own mummy and in order to make sure that the weight of stone above would not crush through the room in which his mummy was,he had five ceilings of stone built,one above the other,with a space above each ceiling and then a slanting ceiling above them all.The two lines slanting upward from his room to the sides are small air passages.The room underneath his own was for his queen and the one under that,in the cellar or foundation of the pyramid was,perhaps,for nobody.That was for a while the great mystery of the Great Pyramid,but now we feel we have guessed the riddle.You see,there was only one passageway starting from the outside.From this one passageway another secret passageway led off to the king’s and queen’s chambers,but the passage that went straight ahead led down to the room that had nothing in it.Cheops was afraid that after he and his queen had been buried away in this tomb,some enemy of his might try to steal their mummies and so prevent them from coming to life again on Judgment Day.So he had all the passageways filled up with stone after he was buried and then the entrance covered so that no one could find where or how to get in.

But Cheops figured that if some one did find the entrance and began to dig out the passageway down to the cellar,this straight passage would lead him off the track and he would keep on down and not see the other secret passageway leading off to the king’s and queen’s chambers.Then when he did reach the empty room,he would find nothing—an April fool joke.

But in spite of all these extraordinary precautions that Cheops took to prevent any one’s finding his mummy,all these passageways and rooms were later discovered and opened and the mummies were removed—to where,by whom,no one knows—and that was a joke on Cheops.

Though,as I told you,there are over a hundred pyramids,not all of them have the true pyramid form.That is,not all of them are triangular.In some pyramids the sides slope in very little at the bottom and then,as if the builder had changed his mind,they slope in faster toward the top.The Pharaoh who built his tomb like this may have been sick and afraid he was going to die before the pyramid was finished and so had to hurry up.In some of the pyramids the sides zigzag toward the top in several giant-like steps,Perhaps the Pharaoh just wanted to have his pyramid different from all the others.Some of the pyramids are built of brick instead of stone.Perhaps the Pharaohs who built such pyramids were poor.

And so,the three greatest pyramids stand close together on the sands of the desert in giant majesty as they have stood for ages past and will for ages and ages to come,to thrill the beholder with their sublime grandeur.

Mere size doesn’t make a thing beautiful.A big thing may be very ugly.But the pyramids are monuments to man’s attempt to make something enduring,lasting,and the builders succeeded in making the most permanent,lasting thing ever built by man.The pyramids are also monuments to their belief in a life after death.And when we think of the millions of people that have come and gone,lived and died,since these mighty monuments were built,and the countless millions that will come and go while the pyramids still stand on,it sets us thinking of the shortness of our little lives and the awesome length of eternity—and that is ART.

No.60-2TOMB AT BENI-HASAN(贝尼哈桑墓)

Courtesy of The University Prints

All the pyramids were tombs,but not all tombs were pyramids.That is—some tombs were not pyramid-shaped at all,but just stone buildings with flat tops.Furthermore,some tombs were simply caves cut into the rock cliffs on the west side of the Nile.

These rock tombs were hollowed out on the west side of the river so that the entrance would face east,toward the rising sun.The Egyptians never faced their tombs any other way,for they thought the Sun God could not wake the dead on Judgment Day unless the tomb faced him as he rose in the east.If the tomb faced him he would wake these people who were dead,just as the rising sun shining into east windows wakes a sleeper in the morning.

Here is such a rock-cut tomb—one of the most famous—a tomb at Beni-Hasan:

It is particularly interesting because it has two colunms in front,two columns cut out of the selfsame rock.None of the pyramid tombs had columns.

So these are the oldest houses in the world.Houses of the dead,Pyramids and tombs.







