Has it the proper capital and other parts as in the true Doric style?
Men have tried ever since the time the Parthenon was built to improve on the Doric temple,but it seems impossible to do so.Every change they make from the original is less beautiful.
One of my earliest recollections is a picture of the Parthenon that hung on the wall of my school room.I had seen it day after day for months.One day I asked my teacher what the picture was.
“It’s a picture of the most beautiful building in the world,”she replied.
“What!That old wreck?”I exclaimed.“I don’t see anything beautiful about it.”
“You wouldn’t,”she answered.
That expression “You wouldn’t”rankled.I wanted to argue why it wasn’t beautiful,but she wouldn’t argue.
“Wait until you grow up,”she said.
I hated to be treated as a child who couldn’t understand what was beautiful and what wasn’t,so I set about trying to find out why the Parthenon was not beautiful.But the more arguments Itried to find,the less I found.
And then one day,twenty-five years later,when I first looked upward at that great Doric temple itself,standing against the blue sky,a traveler at my side remarked,“I don’t see anything beautiful about that broken down old ruin.”
And at that,I turned and just kept myself from saying,“You wouldn’t.”
Even a young child can tell whether a person is beautiful or ugly,but even oldpeople can’t tell whether a building is beautiful or ugly,otherwise we shouldn’t have so many ugly buildings.Any one can tell when a person is too tall or too fat,when his ears are too big or his nose too small,whether his proportions,as we call them,are right or wrong,but it takes a good eye to tell when a building’s proportions are right or wrong.Any one can tell that a wart or crossed eyes or a double chin or bow legs are not beautiful.
Now,some buildings have just as ugly things as warts,double chins,or bow legs,but often even old people can’t see them.But the Greeks had what we call “a good eye,”not only for people’s looks,but for a building’s looks.
Some people can’t tell when a picture is hanging straight on the wall.They may even measure the distance and declare it straight,but a person with a “good eye”can detect what the ruler may not show—that it is tipped the smallest bit,just a hair’s breadth perhaps.
There are two important tools that every builder nowadays uses—a plumb bob and a level.A plumb bob tells whether a wall or a column or anything else supposed to be straight up and down is really straight up and down or vertical,as it is called.A level,which has a little bubble in a glass on its edge,tells whether a floor or a sill or anything else supposed to be level is really level or horizontal,as it is called.You can’t fool a plumb bob or a level.
But the Greeks said you couldn’t believe the plumb bob or the level.for columns that are really vertical seem to lean out and floors that are really horizontal seem to sag in the middle.That’s because our eyes make them seem so,but as it is our eyes that have to see buildings,the Greek builders of the Parthenon built it as they wanted the eyes to see it,and so,though all lines may seem to be vertical,horizontal,level,or straight,there is really not a vertical line or a horizontal line or a perfectly straight line in the Parthenon.That’s one of the things that makes the Parthenon so extraordinary!
The columns were not made of single blocks of stone,but of drum-shaped pieces which,however,were cut with such exactitude that they fitted perfectly and no crack showed.It is even said the pieces have grown together like a broken bone that is well set!