As soon as she had said this she realized that the greatlver y expanse which she had been seeing (without oticing) for some time was really the sand on the sea.bed nd that ail sorts of darker or brighter patches were not ghts and shadows on the surface but real things on the ottom. At present, for instance, they were passing over a ass of soft purply green with a broad, winding strip of pale rey in the middle of it. But now that she knew it was on he bottom she saw it much better. She could see that bits f the dark stuff were much higher than other bits and were aving gently. “Just like trees in a wind,” said Lucy. “And I o believe that‘s what they are. It’s a submarine forest.” They passed on above it and presently the pale streak as joined by another pale streak. “If I was down there,” hought Lucy, “that streak would be just like a road through he wood. And that place where it joins the other Would e a crossroads. Oh, I do wish I was. Hullo! the forest is oming to an end. And I do believe the streak really was a oad! I can still see it going on across the open sand. It‘s a ifferent colour. And it’s marked out with something at the dges.dotted lines. Perhaps they are stones. And now it‘s etting wider.”