
第1170章 The Silver Chair(23)

“I am. And now hear your task. Far from here in the land f Narnia there lives an aged king who is sad because he as no prince of his blood to be king after him. He has no eir because his only son was stolen from him many years go, and no one in Narnia knows where that prince went or hether he is still alive. But he is. I lay on you this command, hat you seek this lost prince until either you have found im and brought him to his father‘s house, or else died in the ttempt, or else gone back into your own world.”

“How, please?” said Jill.

“I will tell you, child,” said the Lion. “These are the signs y which I will guide you in your quest. First; as soon as the oy Eustace sets foot in Narnia, he will meet an old and ear friend. He must greet that friend at once; if he does, ou will both have good help. Second; you must journey out f Narnia to the north till you come to the ruined city of he ancient giants. Third; you shall find a writing on a stone that ruined city, and you must do what the writing tellsyou. Fourth; you will know the lost prince (if you find him) by this, that he will be the first person you have met in your travels who will ask you to do something in my name, in the name of Aslan.”