
第1221章 The Silver Chair(74)

The children sat down on each side of him. They now aw that he had very long legs and arms, so that although is body was not much bigger than a dwarf ’s, he would be ller than most men when he stood up. The fingers of his ands were webbed like a frog‘s, and so were his bare feet hich dangled in the muddy water. He was dressed in earth. oloured clothes that hung loose about him.

“I’m trying to catch a few eels to make an eel stew for our inner,” said Puddleglum. “Though I shouldn‘t wonder if I idn’t get any. And you won‘t like them much if I do.” “Why not?” asked Scrubb.

“Why, it’s not in reason that you should like our sort of ictuals, though I‘ve no doubt you’ll put a bold face on it. ll the same, while I am a.catching of them, if you two ould try to light the fire.no harm in trying! The wood‘s ehind the wigwam. It may be wet. You could light it inside he wigwam, and then we’d get all the smoke in our eyes. r you could light it outside, and then the rain would come nd put it out. Here‘s my tinder.box. You won’t know how o use it, I expect.”