
第1376章 The Silver Chair(229)

“Your honours,” said Golg (and when they turned to ok at him they could see nothing but blackness for a few inutes, their eyes were so dazzled). “Your honours, why on‘t you come down to Bism? You’d be happier there than that cold, unprotected, naked country out on top. Or atast come down for a short visit.”

Jill took it for granted that none of the others would sten to such an idea for a moment. To her horror she eard the Prince saying:

“Truly, friend Golg, I have half a mind to come down ith you. For this is a marvellous adventure, and it may e no mortal man has ever looked into Bism before or will ver have the chance again. And I know not how, as the ears pass, I shall bear to remember that it was once in my ower to have probed the uttermost pit of Earth and that I orbore. But could a man live there? You do not swim in the re.river itself ?”

“Oh no, your Honour. Not we. It‘s only salamanders livethe fire itself.”

“What kind of beast is your salamander?” asked the rince.