
第1478章 The Last Battle(55)

Tirian wondered very much what he meant by “grub”, ut when the Boy opened a bulgy satchel which he was arrying and pulled out a rather greasy and squashy packet, e understood. He was ravenously hungry, though he hadn’t hought about it till that moment.

There were two hard.boiled egg sandwiches, and two heese sandwiches, and two with some kind of paste in hem. If he hadn‘t been so hungry he wouldn’t have thought uch of the paste, for that is a sort of food nobody eats in arnia. By the time he had eaten all six sandwiches they ad come to the bottom of the valley and there they found mossy cliff with a little fountain bubbling out of it. All hree stopped and drank and splashed their hot faces.

“And now,” said the girl as she tossed her wet hair back om her forehead, “aren‘t you going to tell us who you are nd why you were tied up and what it’s all about?”