
第1517章 The Last Battle(94)

“ ‘And it would be better, wouldn’t it,‘ said Ginger, ’to let ome of the more enlightened Narnians into our counsels, ne by one as we find them apt. For the Beasts who really elieve in Aslan may turn at any moment.and will, if the pe‘s folly betrays his secret. But those who care neither or Tash nor Aslan but have only an eye to their own profit nd such reward as The Tisroc may give them when Narniaa Calormene province, will be firm.’

“ ‘Excellent Cat,’ said the Captain. ‘But choose which nes carefully.’ “While the Dwarf had been speaking the day seemed to ave changed. It had been sunny when they sat down. Now uzzle shivered. Jewel shifted his head uneasily. Jill looked p.

“It‘s clouding over,” she said. “And it’s so cold,” said Puzzle.

“Cold enough, by the Lion!” said Tirian, blowing on his ands. “And faugh! What foul smell is this?”

“Phew!” gasped Eustace. “It‘s like something dead. Is here a dead bird somewhere about? And why didn’t we otice it before?”

With a great upheaval Jewel scrambled to his feet and ointed with his horn.

“Look!” he cried. “Look at it! Look, look!”

Then all six of them saw; and over all their faces there ame an expression of uttermost dismay.

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