
第1563章 The Last Battle(140)

Eustace stood with his heart beating terribly, hoping and oping that he would be brave. He had never seen anything hough he had seen both a dragon and a sea.serpent) that ade his blood run so cold as that line of dark.faced bright. yed men. There were fifteen Calormenes, a Talking Bull f Narnia, Slinkey the Fox, and Wraggle the Satyr. Then he eard twang.and.zipp on his left and one Calormene fell: hen twang.and.zipp again and the Satyr was down. “Oh, ell done, daughter!” came Tirian‘s voice; and then the nemy were upon them.

Eustace could never remember what happened in the ext two minutes. It was all like a dream (the sort you have hen your temperature is over ?) until he heard Rishda arkaan’s voice calling out from the distance:

“Retire. Back hither and re.form.”