
第211章 The Magician‘s Nephew(211)

They were on the pavement outside the Ketterleys‘ front door, and except that the Witch, the Horse, and the Cabby were gone, everything was exactly as they had left it. There was the lamp.post, with one arm missing; there was the wreck of the hansom cab; and there was the crowd. Everyone was still talking and people were kneeling beside the damaged policeman, saying things like, “He’s coming round” or “How do you feel now, old chap?” or “The ambulance will be here in a jiffy.”

“Great Scott!” thought Digory, “I believe the whole adventure‘s taken no time at all.”

Most people were wildly looking round for Jadis and the horse. No one took any notice of the children for no one had seen them go or noticed them coming back. As for Uncle Andrew, between the state of his clothes and the honey on his face, he could not have been recognized by anyone. Fortunately the front door of the house was open and the housemaid was standing in the doorway staring at the fun (what a day that girl was having!) so the children had no difficulty in bustling Uncle Andrew indoors before anyone asked any questions.