
第30章 The Magician‘s Nephew(30)

“You really must learn to control that temper of yours, my boy,” said Uncle Andrew coolly. “Otherwise you‘ll grow up like your Aunt Letty. Now. Attend to me.”

He got up, put on a pair of gloves, and walked over to the tray that contained the rings.

“They only work,” he said, “if they’re actually touching your skin. Wearing gloves, I can pick them up.like this.and nothing happens. If you carried one in your pocket nothing would happen: but of course you‘d have to be careful not to put your hand in your pocket and touch it by accident. The moment you touch a yellow ring, you vanish out of this world. When you are in the Other Place I expect.of course this hasn’t been tested yet, but I expect.that the moment you touch a green ring you vanish out of that world and.I expect.reappear in this. Now. I take these two greens and drop them into your right.hand pocket. Remember very carefully which pocket the greens are in. G for green and R for right. G.R. you see: which are the first two letters of green. One for you and one for the little girl. And now you pick up a yellow one for yourself. I should put it on.on your finger.if I were you. There‘ll be less chance of dropping it.”