
第35章 The Magician‘s Nephew(35)

“So have I,” said Digory.

“No, you haven’t,” said she. “I‘ve just seen you come up out of that pool.”

“Yes, I suppose I did,” said Digory with a puzzled air. “I’d forgotten.”

Then for quite a long time neither said any more.

“Look here,” said the girl presently, “I wonder, did we ever really meet before? I had a sort of idea.a sort of picture in my head.of a boy and a girl, like us.living somewhere quite different.and doing all sorts of things. Perhaps it was only a dream.”

“I‘ve had that same dream, I think,” said Digory. “About a boy and a girl, living next door.and something about crawling among rafters. I remember the girl had a dirty face.” “Aren’t you getting it mixed? In my dream it was the boywho had the dirty face.”

“I can‘t remember the boy’s face,” said Digory and then added, “Hullo! What‘s that?”

“Why! it’s a guinea.pig,” said the girl. And it was.a fat guinea.pig, nosing about in the grass.

But round the middle of the guinea.pig there ran a tape, and tied on to it by the tape, was a bright yellow ring.

“Look! look,” cried Digory. “The ring! And look! You‘vegot one on your finger. And so have I.”