
第922章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(47)

“In words, yes. All is done in the King’s name. But he would not be best pleased to find a real, live King of Narnia coming in upon him. And if your Majesty came before him alone and unarmed.well, he would not deny his allegiance, but he would pretend to disbelieve you. Your Grace‘s life would be in danger. What following has your Majesty in these waters?” “There is my ship just rounding the point,” said Caspian. “We are about thirty swords if it came to fighting. Shall we not have my ship in and fall upon Pug and free my friendswhom he holds captive?”

“Not by my counsel,” said Bern. “As soon as there was a fight, two or three ships would put out from Narrowhaven to rescue Pug. Your Majesty must work by a show of more power than you really have, and by the terror of the King’s name. It must not come to plain battle. Gumpas is a chicken.hearted man and can be overawed.”