
第975章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(100)

He took a long drink and then (I know this sounds hocking, but it isn’t if you think it over) he ate nearly all he dead dragon. He was halfway through it before he ealized what he was doing; for, you see, though his mind as the mind of Eustace, his tastes and his digestion were ragonish. And there is nothing a dragon likes so well as esh dragon. That is why you so seldom find more than one ragon in the same county.

Then he turned to climb out of the valley. He began the imb with a jump and as soon as he jumped he found that e was flying. He had quite forgotten about his wings and was a great surprise to him.the first pleasant surprise he ad had for a long time. He rose high into the air and saw numerable mountain.tops spread out beneath him in the oonlight. He could see the bay like a silver slab and the awn Treader lying at anchor, and camp fires twinkling the woods beside the beach. From a great height heunched himself down towards them in a single glide.