
第143章 第二册(60)

"He had a strip of wrought iron. He beat it witha hammer. He bent it and twisted it about in allsorts of rough ways. But it did not break, becausewrought iron is very tough and flexible.""Teacher showed us too," said Fred, "that wrought iron is malleable. It is not malleable when it is cold,like lead is. Iron must be made red-hot before it can be hammered out. When it is red-hot it becomes pliable, and can be hammered into any shape we please.""I have watched the blacksmith at the forge," said Norah. "He puts the iron into the furnace and makes it red-hot. Then he lays it on the anvil, and beats it with his hammer. The iron which he works must be wrought iron, I suppose, for it is malleable.""Teacher next showed us some iron wire," said Willie. "It could not be cast-iron, for cast-iron is not ductile. This iron had been drawn out into very fine wire, and it must be ductile.""I say, Norah," said Fred, "you know we went to the blacksmith"s shop to get my iron hoop mended?"" "Yes," said Norah. "I watched him put the broken ends of the hoop into the fire, and when they werered-hot he hammered them together."