
第153章 第二册(70)

"Copper is dug out of the earth as an ore," said Fred, "like most other metals. Like iron-ore, it has to be smelted to remove the useless matter, and then it is made into many useful things, such as kettles, saucepans, scuttles, and other articles used in the house.""Does Norah know," asked Willie, "that brass is made by melting copper and zinc together? What a beautiful useful metal brass is!""Our pennies, half-pennies, and farthings are made of bronze," said Fred, "and bronze is made by melting copper, tin, and zinc together.""Yes, and bells are made of bell-metal," added Willie. "Bell-metal is a mixture made by melting copper and tin together."SUMMARY

Copper is a red metal, with a bright lustre. It is very tough, malleable, and ductile. It rusts easily, and the rust of copper is poison. Copper gives out a ringing sound when it is struck. Brass is made from copper and zinc. Bronze is made from copper, tin, and zinc. Pennies, half-pennies, and farthings are made of bronze.

Lesson 32

The Rabbit at Home

"Father says we may take Bunny out of the hutch," said Fred, "and let it run about in the garden for half an hour. While it has a run, we will sit down and chat about it.