
第179章 第三册(4)

Water is a liquid. Liquids have no shape of their own; they take the shape of the vessel which holds them; they ?ow about; they break up into drops; they will not stand in a heap, but always keep a level surface. Water is a transparent, colorless, tasteless, inodorous liquid.

Lesson 02

Some of the Uses of Water

"Now that we know something of the properties of water," said Fred, "we can talk about a few of the uses to which it is put. What do you think is the most important use which we make of water, Norah?""I should say," replied Norah, "that its chief use is for drinking purposes.""Quite right," said Fred. "We could not live long without drink of some sort, and although we do not always drink water, yet all drinks are made of water.""Yes," added Willie, "and animals and plants, as well as ourselves, require water or they would die.

"We must not forget, too, that our food has to be cooked and prepared with water.