
第18章 第一册(18)

"Now let us look a little farther," said Fred. "Ponto"s head is not like the cat"s head. It is longer and more pointed. If you notice his eyes, you will see that they have no curtain in front, no long narrow slit, like the cat"s eyes.

"Now let us have a word about his feet. Hold up your paw, Ponto. That"s right, good dog.

"If we look at all his paws, we shall see that, like the cat, he has five toes on the front and four on the hind ones.""Yes," cried Norah, "and the toes are padded. Does Ponto walk on his toes, too, Fred?""Yes, the dog walks on his toes." "But," said his sister again, "I canhear Ponto"s feet on the ground as he runs. I can"t hear the cat"s feet. How is it, if both of them have pads, Fred?""Ah," said Fred, "if you look you will see that Ponto cannot draw back his claws as the cat does. The claws rub the ground at every step, and make a noise.

"There is just one thing more," Fred went on. "The dog"s tongue is soft, smooth, and wet, not rough like the cat"s tongue. He does not use it as the cat does.