
第320章 第三册(145)

The outside flower-leaves, or sepals, form the calyx. The inner circle of flower-leaves are called petals; they form the corolla. Both of these help to protect the delicate, inner parts of the ?ower.

Lesson 51

More about the Flowers

"Suppose we come and finish our talk about the flowers," said Fred.

"We had to leave the inner parts of the flower yesterday, you know. Let us pick a few more fresh flowers, and I"ll see what I can remember to tell you about them.

"We will commence by carefully plucking off the petals. Now we can see, growing up from the bottom of the flower-cup, some long slender stalks, with a little oval knob at the top of each. The little stalks are called stamens; the knobs at the top of them are the anthers.""Oh yes, Fred," said Norah. "I remember. They are not really knobs. They are littlehollow boxes or cases, and they are full ofa fine yellow dust which we call pollen.""Quite right, Norah," said Fred. "Look while I shake the anthers over this piece of white paper, and you will see some of the pollen-dust on the paper.