
第322章 第三册(147)

"This lower part of the pistil is swollen out larger than the upper part. It forms a sort of case or box. It is called the ovary, because it contains a numberof little round bodies, the ovules, placed in order side by side. These ovules in time become seeds. When we speak of the fruit of a plant we always mean this seed-vessel or ovary."SUMMARY

Inside the circle of petals are the stamens. The anthers at the top of the stamens are full of pollen. The pistil is the innermost part of the ?ower. The lower part of it is the ovary, and contains the ovules, which grow into seeds. It is the pollen from the anthers which changes the ovules into seeds.

Lesson 52

The Flower and its Work

"We have learned a good deal about the parts of the flower," said Fred. "Suppose we now follow the flower in its work from the time it is a little growing flower bud till it withers and drops to the ground. Let us begin with it as a bud, before it bursts open. What part of the flower has any work to do at this time?""The calyx, with its strong outer covering of sepals, protects the little bud against the weather," said Willie.