
第6章 第一册(6)

"Solids are bodies that do not flow, do not break up into drops, have a shape of their own, and do not take the shape of the vessel which holds them."SUMMARY

Solids do not ?ow about, and do not fall away in drops, as water does. They do not take the shape of the vessels which hold them, but have a shape of their own.

Lesson 04

Liquids and Solids

When the boys, a few nights later, called Norah to come and play school, Fred said: "I want to be teacher this time. I am going to show Norah what we have been doing in school to-day. Mother gave me this piece of wax, and said I might have this old iron spoon.

"Now I will put the wax into the spoon," said Fred. "See; it stands in the middle of the spoon.

"I want you to watch what happens, when I hold the spoon over the fire.""Why, the solid wax is changing into a liquid," said Norah.

"How do you know it is a liquid, Norah?"

"It does not stand up in a lump in the middle of the spoon, as it did at first," said Norah. "It flows about in the spoon. It keeps a level surface.""See," said Fred, "I will pour some of it into this pill-box, just as teacher did today, and stand the box on the table.""That is just what we saw, Norah, when the meat was roasting the other day," said Will.