
第61章 第一册(61)

"All right, mother," said he, "I"m here. They shall not come to any harm.""Now then," said Fred, "all these things take fire, but some of them burn more fiercely than others. I have put some in one heap, and some in another.

In this lot are the silk, wool, cloth, feathers, leather, and whalebone. Don"t forget that we get all these things from animals. They all burn very slowly.

"Show us the burning wool again, father, please. It frizzles slowly in the flame, and so would all the others.

"In this heap are the cotton-wool, muslin, calico, paper, hay, straw, and wood. We get these things from plants. If any one of them is put into the flame, it blazes up in an instant. All animal substance burns slowly; those things which come from plants blaze up quickly.

"Our little Norah, with her cotton frock and apron, must keep away from the fire. Her clothes would quickly blaze up, and then she would be burnt to death."SUMMARY

We get hay, straw, paper, muslin, calico, and wood from plants. These, and all other things which come from plants, blaze up quickly in the fire. Silk, cloth, wool, feathers, leather,and whale-bone come from animals. They all frizzle slowly, but do not burn well.

Lesson 31