
第23章 深爱无言The Silent Love






That bright springtime,when they loved each other,she had scattered without him knowing it the branch full of bitter white of a cherry tree in bloom and a delicate petal had slipped,like randomly,in the envelope with the love letter.The petal had faded away before reaching the end of the long way,leaving behind it only a little spring perfume that made him smile like one does to a mild memory.And he didn’t know that she had been.Next summer,when,for missing him too much,she had sot closer without him knowing it.She was hiding only to send to him the call of love in that shell she had so long warmed up in her hands before making it roll over,down to his feet.The hesitating steps leaving melancholic traces on the sand had stopped near the pearly shell,brighter and so much different from all the others,and smiling,he had picked it up and thrown it in the sea watching long after it,as after a tender thought.And he didn’t know that she had been.The sad autumn that followed,after he had driven her away.She was watching him from behind a tree without him knowing it and,kissing the falling leaf that had stopped in her hair.She had laid it on the water mirror slightly touched by the mild September wind,blowing it towards him with all warmth of her heart.He had smiled to the tired leaf stopping at his feet without understanding why he had felt that he would have picked it up and embraces it against his chest.And he didn’t know that she had been.That late winter when she won’t be any longer without him knowing it a snowflade made of silk and silver will fall down drop full of rainbows without knowing why,even smiling.He will feel like crying.And he will never know that she had been.